Becoming a minimalist is a work in process. It has been something that I have been on and off again several times, but I am fully committed. Minimalism is about being intentional, living on less, and being more simplistic. Minimalism has become a mindset or a filter on how I live my life. I want to have and be around things of value over quantity. It’s about finding the things that are important to me and intentionally removing habits and things that I no longer serve me.
In the past, I would find value and excitement in shopping and having all the new and “it” things. I spent a lot of money shopping and having lots of stuff that honestly left me empty. I have always wanted to live an RV, tiny house, or my car, but I could not do that with all of the stuff I once had. One day I would love to have all my belongings fit in one spot. I can’t explain why I want this lifestyle, but I am always being pulled to it. I am embracing it all right now.

More Money
I am saving money because I am not going out as much or spending money on things I don’t need. One of things I do when I purchase something is that something must go. This has helped me not be so impulsive when I’m out shopping.
Less Anxiety
Throughout the years, I have noticed a change in me when I have embraced a minimalist or simplistic lifestyle. When I look back on times when I embraced being minimalist, I have noticed I am more relaxed. When I have exactly what I need, I don’t have to make as many decisions which makes me less anxious.
Reduce Clutter
I mean, this one seems pretty common sense. Not having clutter helps in so many other aspects of my life. Not having clutter limits my overstimulation which helps reduce with my anxiety and panic attacks. From learning more about the minimalistic lifestyle, I learned that they are several ways to start the decluttering process. One way that works for me on reducing clutter is by having a number that I want to reach. Here is a way to eliminate over 100 different things from your home.
More Creative
When I sit down to write, I have to have a clean & organized work space. Everything has to have it’s place. I am able to sit down and focus on my writing and not worry about the mess because there is no mess. Ideas come more naturally to me when things are more organized.
Since I have been on exploring this minimalist lifestyle, I have learned so much about minimalism and simplicity lifestyle. For me, I use those 2 words interchangeably, but some people say that they are 2 separate ways of living. Also, I have become more into no waste lifestyle. I am looking at things I need to purchase differently. I’m looking to see if they are reusable options. For example, I am love to dermaplan for spa night. Currently, I am using a brand this is plastic and disposable. When I need to make my next purchase, I am going to buy from Leaf Shave.
More Confident
Self Confidence is something that doesn’t come naturally to me. I have always felt uncomfortable in my own body. Since creating a capsule wardrobe and living more simplicity, I have notice that I am more confidence and appreciate my body more.
Clean Less
Everything needs to have it’s own place, and usually in it’s own place so I don’t have to clean as often. I do like to do a 15 minute pick up each day around the house. Then usually on the weekends is when I mop the floors. There are definitely times that I don’t feel like cleaning or being putting things away so I usually put them downstairs or behind a door that closes. That only stops the problem temporary. Next time I open the door, I see the mess and then remember that I left it there.
Increased Productivity
Since I have started being simplistic or minimalistic, I have noticed that I am more productive towards things that I want to accomplish. I have created a schedule for myself that allows me to accomplish those goals.
Less Stress
With being more simplistic, I have less stress because I don’t have as much to worry about when I surrounded by things. I have less distractions which leads to less stress as well. By having less stress, I don’t think about things so much which increases my productivity.
Learned Boundaries
Boundaries is something that I am not very good with. Actually, something I wasn’t very good at. Now I am very good with boundaries. If you are not bring me or providing some sort of value in my life and I don’t NEED you, then it’s been easy to create that space between us. In the past, I wanted to be like and like everyone. If I knew someone didn’t like me, I would try to love them so much to like me. Now, it’s fine if I’m not liked.
Minimalistic Thinking
Simplistic living or minimalist thinking has helped me with my ADHD. I am focused on simplify my life by having things that I want in my life. Minimalism is having the “strickness” of things but the flexibility of what kind of things. I have learned in therapy that I have a very black and white type of thinking on the order I want in my life, but need the flexibility for things to not be so rigid all the time. For me that is what the minimalist or simplistic lifestyle is all about.
Another reason, I want this lifestyle is because I want to break my own need for materialist things. There have been times in my life where I have wanted the materalist things because of the “status” or how I woudl be perceived with them. Rather than the enjoyment of having whatever item that was. I want to have things and experiences in my life that I love and bring me up.
I’m excited for work towards a more minimalist and simplistic way of living. It will take some time and grace on myself, but this is really exciting and empowering for me.