In honor of my 40th birthday this week. (Gosh, I can’t believe it’s here.) I thought I would share 40 of wellness. These are my favorite ways I take care of myself. Wellness can mean so many different things. I think of wellness in terms of whole-body health. It encompasses your mental, physical, spiritual, self care, etc. We should be taking care of ourselves as a whole in all aspects of our lives not just one area. We are all different and wellness is different for all of us. These are some of my top wellness tips that you can implement immediately.
- Take a walk – It doesn’t have to be long. It can be a quick walk around the block or to the mailbox and back. Getting outside is good for you. There are so many benefits to getting outside including changing your environment could change your mood. This is one of my favorite wellness tips because it clears my mind and settles me back into being in the moment.
- Make/Buy a Smoothie – I am not a big smoothie drinker. There are so many great smoothie recipes out there. If you don’t like making smoothies but enjoy them go buy them. No shame in that.
- Get a facial or any spa service- This is a personal favorite wellness tips for me. I love getting a facial. My favorite is a brightening facial. When I go to the spa, I always get the add-ons if possible. I have also added Sunday Spa Nights into my routine. Each week I do some sort of spa treatment on myself. Sometimes it might be a mask, and sometimes it might be a total head-to-toe treatment.
- Start a Gratitude Journal – This has been something I am trying to work on right now. It’s been tough for me because I want to find gratitude in the little stuff. When I sit down to write all that comes to mind is “basic” stuff like having a house, food to eat, etc. I know with time I can see those things more but right now it feels so blah.
- Organize your space – I love to be organized and for things to have their place. It’s also kinda my thing to be organized. Before I sit down to work on anything I usually go around the house or work space to make sure things are put away. This also might be the perfect time to throw things away that are expired or you no longer use them. This is my go-to wellness tip because It has saved me from some panic attacks.
- Clean out your closet – I did this a few weeks ago, and it felt so good afterward. I took everything out of my closet, refolded them, and put them back in the right place. The best tip that I received from cleaning out your closet is to hang your clothes in a different direction. At the end of that season, the hangers are still in a different direction you can get rid of. I did this before, and I was amazed by what clothes I didn’t wear and what clothes I fell in love with again.
- Meditate – One of my favorite apps is Balance. I use it every night before bed. This one is my favorite wellness apps because there are so many types of plans. There is a plan for almost any topic. I have tried to follow a plan but I am not consistent with it. Which is another thing I love about this app is they know that. It will say It’s been a while since your last meditation. They have singles if you are looking for something specific.
- Do yoga/stretch – I want to like yoga. I see yoga all over my IG, and it looks so beautiful. I wish I could move my body like theirs, BUT I also don’t put in the work. I do enjoy stretching and do that pretty consistently.
- Take vitamins – Always talk with a doctor before adding anything to your regimen. I have been using Vital Protein Collagen pills and highly recommend them. I have noticed major differences in hair and nail growth. Which is amazing because I bit my nails. I am trying to grow my nails out but they break often.
- Fill half your plate with veggies or fruits – I prefer veggies more than fruits.
- Get a manicure and/or pedicure- This can be done at home as well. Target has a great handset. I am nail biter, and currently working on growing my nails. My goal is when I get all the nails to have a sort of nail I will go to get a manicure. This wellness tip is one that I do often. I personally don’t find enjoyment in it but I know so many people that do.
- Write in a journal – I love to journal. It gives me the opportunity to get everything out of my head and onto paper. Whatever I am thinking I just write it all out. I have been a writer my whole life. When I journal things I can take a step back and see the bigger picture sometimes.
- Compliment someone – I do this a lot because complimenting someone brings joy to both people. When you give a genuine compliment you feel the energy change in the other person. Which generally changes how I feel too.
- Listen to a podcast – I go back and forth on binge-listening to podcasts. Right now, I don’t have any I recommend. It has been a while since I listened to a podcast.
- Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while – Pick up the phone and call someone. Not texting actually call them.
- Clean out your DVR of shows you’ll never watch –
- Clean out folders on your computer – I am currently working through cleaning out my Dropbox. It has been good to get organized with all my pictures. I love to take pictures so there are so many to go through. This has been fun as well because it reminds me of the trips that I have been on.
- Make a to-do list – Write everything out. It’s all about getting it out of your head. My problem with making a to-do list is I use different notes books each time. I need to sit down and either put them in 1 notebook or mark things off the to-do list.
- Try a new workout – It’s good to switch up your workout every now and again.
- Go workout – It doesn’t have to be a long workout. But it’s really about moving your body. Sometimes I know I’m not feeling it and I tell myself workout for 5 minutes. If I’m still not feeling it, then I stop and I DON’T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT!
- Learn something – Try something you haven’t done before.
- Work on a hobby – So if I’m feeling stressed or anxious I crochet for a little bit and it calms me down.
- Visit a museum –
- Open the blinds – I usually always have the blinds open in my house. I don’t have blinds in my office, but I open the curtains in my office before I get to work. The direct sunlight makes me happy.
- Read a book
- Light A Candle – I love candles. Lavender is great for soothing or sleepy smell. I have seen candles that have diamonds or jewels in them, and after you burn them you can see how much they are worth. There is a place in Peoria that lets you make your own candle.
- Dance Party – Sometimes you just need to turn on the music to dance or sing.
- Drink some water – Staying hydrated is so important. Not only does it help your body recover from working out or physical exercise. Also drinking water help your skin look brighter. When I drink water, it needs to be freezing. I also like putting lemon and cucumber in my water.
- Order Take out – Sometimes you don’t need to cook. Just order or go get your favorite food.
- Do something alone – This has been so liberating for me. I am doing more things alone. It has given me so much more confidence. It has renewed my self worth and what I can do.
- Travel somewhere new – This doesn’t have to be far. You can even explore somewhere new in your town. I guarantee you haven’t done everything where you live.
- Learn a new language
- Work on goals – I love making goals for myself but I struggle with always implementing the goals.
- Go Volunteer – I would love to volunteer at an animal shelter but I would also want to bring home everything!
- Go makeup free for a week. Or wear make up for a week. I work from home so I added getting ready for me day to my morning routine. It has felt nice to have a little make up on.
- Delete social media apps off your phone. I recently did this and it felt so good. Some of the apps I didn’t even know I still had on my phone. I think i ended up deleting 15 apps off my phone.
- Do a juice cleanse.
- Try a new recipe. I don’t like to cook but when I do it’s something I see off social media and want to give it a try. I never want to learn to book the basic things. I want the more advance stuff.
- Start the thing you’ve been scared to do.
- Be in the moment. Be where your feet are and enjoy the present.
Anything that can improve your quality of life is so important. These are the wellness tips that have worked for me over time or that I have seen others do that I want to implement in my life. It’s important to find wellness tips that work for you and not because it sounds likes a good idea. Some of the things I constantly have it put in my planner. Which ones do you do? Or thinking about adding it? Let me know what you would add to the list.