Wednesday Expectations are going to alternate between Wellness and Fitness. I think its super important to keep theme seperate because in my mind they are different. Some people like to use these words interchangeably. I’m not saying that’s wrong, but for me there are different. That’s what I want to share on here on Wendesdays. Then let you make your own decision.
Kinda how I run my personal training business or when someone asks me for opinions. I want to do the research both good and bad then explain it in a way that everyone can understand. Then let you make the best decision for what works best for you. You know what will be best because you are living your life.
A lot of stuff I will be sharing on here won’t be my opinion but what I have learned from my research. I want to be able to break it down into informative bites of information. Everyone is different with the goals and lifestyle that there isn’t one size to fits all to this type of information.
Wellness to me is a whole health mindset. It’s physical, mindset, goals, spiritual, social, and so much more. Wellness can mean so many different things to say many different people. I really urge that you find out what wellness means to you!
Fitness is going to be a mixture of everything as well. I’ll have workouts, workout trends, different equipment based workouts, body weight workouts, and muscle specific workouts. Switching up the workouts is essential to reach your fitness goals.
I’ll also be visiting different studios and doing the workout. I am going to be that first time user to answer all your questions, so you can just go in there and have a great workout.
Wednesday Expectations are bound to change but if you ever have any questions let me know. I’m here to give you the best information that I have. Check out this blog post where I broke down my thoughts on wellness vs health vs fitness.