If you follow me on social media, you know I don’t like to drink water. If I do, the water has to be ICE COLD!! Most of the time there is more ice than water. I have had to get creative on ways to stay hydrated. Especially now that I am back in the Midwest because summers here are no joke.
Also as a personal trainer, I hear all the time how hard it is for people to drink water. No one is EVER getting the recommended amount of water. (This could be a whole other blog post.) What I recommend for water intake is half your body weight in ounces.

Slow Increase the Amount of Water you Drink
This is EXACTLY what I tell all of my clients when it comes to water intake and an easy way to stay hydrated. Monitor how much water you are drinking for 2 weeks. This will give you your baseline. Then start increasing the ounces by 8 ounces each week. Don’t start slamming water to hit your intake. You will feel bloated and gain water weight. Slow and steady increase your water intake over time.
Fancy Container
Stanley Cups are all the rage right now. Hydroflasks keep liquids cold and hold a lot of water. I recommend finding a cup/bottle/glass that you want to drink from. You will have more success hitting your goal by drinking from something that motivates you. Personally, I like the 40oz hydro flask because I only need to fill it up once. Something that I need to fill up constantly and I will forget how many ounces I have drank. I also prefer a straw in my cup. I notice that I drink more with a straw than out of the cup/bottle. I have so many reusable plastic straws around the house. I like having a little bit of color. Check out a list of the best water bottles.
Infuse with Flavors
There are so many options for adding flavor to water. I personally love adding fruits and veggies. My favorite is lemon and cucumber water. Adding lemon to your water not only adds flavor to the water but brightens your skin as well. I learned about infusing from Cassey at Blogilates, and here’s one of her blog posts that talk about different water infusions.
Drink Throughout the Day
Drink water throughout the day instead of all at one time. Spreading it throughout the day will also make it easier to accomplish. I pair drinking water with standing up every hour. My watch goes off 10 minutes before the hour, so I stand up and drink some water. Plus, pairing activities, especially to something you are already doing will lead to more success.
Limit Caffeine and Alcohol
Notice that I said LIMIT not ELIMINATE. If you know me, you know that I like BOTH of these things. Fountain drinks are one of my favorite things. And if you follow me on social media, you know that I like to drink as well. I will be the first person to tell you to have the caffeine or alcohol, but work on reducing how much if you are wanting to get fit or stay hydrated longer.
Replenish Water After you Sweat or Workout
According to the American Council of Exercise, they recommend these guidelines prior to, during, and after a workout:
- Drink 17-20 oz. two to three hours before you exercise.
- Drink 8 oz. 20-30 minutes before you exercise.
- Drink 7-10 oz. every 10-20 minutes during exercise.
- Drink 8 oz. no more than 30 minutes after exercise.
Eat Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits and Vegetables have a high water content. If drinking water is hard, try eating food with a high water content.
Check the Color of Urine
Typically the color of urine should be a light yellow. If the urine is a dark yellow almost gold means that you are dehydrated. Also not going to the bathroom could also be a sign of dehydration.