Fitness comes in all shapes and sizes. Fitness is not a cookie cutter. One size fits all. This is something that took me a long time to figure out. I kept comparing myself to trainers who don’t live my lifestyle or interests. I finally figured out I didn’t need to look or be like those trainers. First of all, there is NOTHING wrong with those trainers. They just aren’t me and my goals. When I was training with some of them, I loved the knowledge that I was getting but I felt like a square trying to fit in a circle peg. Here are 20 ways to get fit in no particular order.
Tips 1-10
- Get enough sleep. We all need different amounts of sleep. I know that I do best between 7.5 – 8 hours of sleep. When I plan my week, I account for 8 hours of sleep. I use my watch to see how long and the quality of sleep.
- Drink Water. There is debate on how much you should drink. The easiest way to determine how much water to drink is half my body weight in ounces. For example, if I weight 150 pounds. I should be drinking about 75 ounces of water.
- Exercise. It is recommended to get 130-150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. My definition of moderate is only being able to say a few sentences at a time.
- Eat every 3 hours. I TRY to eat at 7a, 10a, 1pm, 3p, and 7pm. It’s 3 big meals and 2 snacks. If you don’t eat this many meals but want to start by adding 1 extra meal per week.
- Measure and Track. Take measurements of your body. I do mine every 2 weeks along with taking pictures. Our minds are used to us looking a certain way, and when we lose weight our mind still sees us at the previous weight. Taking pictures helps to see the differences your body is making.
- Reduce Alcohol. If you are use to drinking every night, start by skipping a day in between. Or you can decided to only drink beer or liquor. Whatever decision you make stick with it.
- Tell a Friend. Honestly, this is the #1 way to get fit. When you tell someone there is a level of accountability. I recently read in You are a Bada*s tell someone you don’t like your goals. They are NOT going to tolerate your excuses like your BFF will. She even recommends placing a bet like donating to a charity of their choice or charity that you do not like.
- Set Goals. If anything have a start and end date. Everything else is relative. SMART goals are also very helpful. The goal should be: specific, measurable, attainable, relatable, and timetable.
- Plan. Come up with a plan. When are you going to the gym? What are you doing when you there? It is a group exercise class? Have a plan and put it in your calendar. It’s like a doctors appointment or girls night. STICK WITH IT!!
- Write all the excuses out. This goes with #9, I promise. Hear me out. When you are going to the gym? In the morning. Excuse: It’s so early I don’t want to get out of bed. Solution: Set alarm in another room forcing you to get out of bed. Write it all out so you have a plan to your excuse. The one I hear all the time as a trainer is – I forget my clothes. The solution: if your gym has locker rental purchase one. Keep your clothes in there and bring home once a week to wash.
Tips 11-20
- Portion Your Meals. Make sure half your plate is a protein then veggies and lots of colorful food on the other side. An easy way I portion my food is by my hand which I learned through my studies through Precision Nutrition . Protein should be size of your palm. Carbs should be a hand cupful. Fats would be measured by your thumb. I offer a call where I can specialize your macros. I have my nutrition certification through Precision Nutrition.
- Track Your Meals. I personally use MyFitnessPal but I don’t follow their recommended calories. There are so many different apps and ways to track your food. Find a plan that works for you.
- Find A Buddy. Research shows that working out with a friend will lead to long term success. I recommend finding someone with similar goals, lifestyle, and interests. This usually works well because you’ll want to do the same thing.
- Just Start Moving. This should have been higher up on the list but oh well. Even if you walk only to the end of the driveway and back. Start and continue to add more distance as you feel more comfortable.
- Take Measurements. There are so many different ways to take measurements. Personally, I like to try on the same clothes each week that are small. I do this because I can see that I am losing weight and can fit into clothes. This might not work for everyone, but it is something that has worked for me. Every other week I try on the clothes. I can visually see the difference.
- Positive Affirmations. Things are going to get tough, and you’ll want to quit. During my workouts, if I feel like I want to stop I say: I can slow down, but I am not going to quit. Or if I am not feeling the workout, I tell myself just 5 minutes then you can quit. I almost never quit because it’s the act of getting started that’s the most difficult. Positive affirmations can work in all aspects of life as well. Write it down until you believe it for that day. It may be a few times or a whole page.
- Switch things up. This can be adding weight. Using resistance bands instead of dumbbells. Been taking Zumba class, switch it up and go to a HIIT class. I would recommend staying with a program for at least 6 weeks, but if you are feeling like you have hit a plateau try to switch up your workout.
- Reward Yourself. I am personally doing this right now. I want to lose 40 pounds. I would love to lose it by October when I go to Vegas. I have it broken down by 10lbs increments with a reward at every 10 pounds. When I get to my goal weight or the 40lbs, I’ll go shopping. Most of my clothes MIGHT NOT fit anymore, so I’ll need new clothes. All that matters is that it motivates you!
- Eat the rainbow. Eat all the veggies and fruits. The easiest way I do it is to buy a fruit and veggie plate then separate them into baggies. Then it is a quick grab-and-go for each day. Find what works for you to get more fruits and veggies. I don’t mind spending more for things to be pre-cut because it means that I don’t have to do it. It will be easy to eat. For me that’s the most important thing is that it’s easy.
- Make it simple. This goes for everything having to do with fitness, wellness, and nutrition. Do not over-complicate it. The workouts should be fun and simple. Nutrition try to make it easy so you don’t have to think about it during the week. I do my meal prepping on Sunday, so the rest of the week I don’t have to think about it.
This is just the beginning of different ways to get fit. I would recommend finding something that works for you. Think about making small and consistent steps to change but that will lead to more overall success in changing your lifestyle. Speaking from experience, don’t try to overhaul yourself because it is the quickest way to crash and feel defeated.