This has been a post that I have wanted to write for a long time. I debated on whether or not I would actually post it or just journal it out. This has been a post I debated on posting because I feel like a lot of people think the same thing, but think they are alone. I know I felt like that for a very long time. I didn’t mention what was bothering me or ask for help. It wasn’t fair to myself for holding it in, and the person I would explode on because they didn’t know things were bothering me. These are things I am letting go.

-Overthinking things that I have said or done
-Getting in my own head
-Materialistic Lifestyle – working towards a capsule wardrobe
-The past. It happened, and I need to stop beating myself up for it
-Past things done to me. I forgive people, and stop letting it consume me
-People pleasing: this should be at the top of the list because I care sometimes way too much what other people.
-Toxic People: Letting go of relationships that do not serve me anymore
-Fear of Failure: I have let failure stop me from doing a lot of things that I have always wanted. I didn’t want to look stupid or actually fail. It took me a while that failure is not really failure. I am learning what didn’t work so I don’t do that again. It’s a learning opportunity.
-Comfort Zone: I am getting outside my normal and pushing towards my goals.
-Overspending: I’m creating a budget and sticking to it. I am no longer spending money on things I don’t need.
-Grudges: I can hold a grudge like none other, but it’s not the healthiest thing. Plus whoever I am holding a grudge against probably isn’t even thinking about it. So why let it take up space.
-Being productive all the time: This is one of my biggest weaknesses.
This is my ongoing and ever-growing list of things I am letting go. Is there anything on this list you need to let go? What are things you need to let go? On the flip side what are things I want more of. Leave a message in the comments something you need to let go of?