I love Sundays because it’s a time for me to reset and refocus on myself and things that I want to accomplish. It’s also a time to slow down and catch my breath. Systems and routines are really important to me right now because it helps me stay focused on what’s important to me. Right now, I am in a season of relearning and creating balance. In this blog post, I am going to share with you everything I do for a Sunday Reset Routine that works for me on creating the perfect reset day. Take what works for you and apply it towards your life.

What is a Sunday Reset Routine?
It doesn’t have to be on a Sunday, but Sundays work best for me. Sometimes I have done my Sunday Reset Routine on a Saturday. All that matters is that you make time for it. I have defined Sunday Reset Routine as a set of activities and habits that help you prepare yourself mentally and physically for the upcoming week. It serves me as a way to recharge, get organized, and set the tone for the week.
One thing I would recommend is start small. Don’t try to completely overhaul your life because in my experience you’ll fail. Maybe you can do it, but I know from my experiences I need to start with small things and add things in slowly. This is where my Sunday Reset Routine came in because I can sit down every week and look at what I have accomplish and where I am at towards accomplishing my goals. It’s a weekly reminder to see where I am at. It also has served me as way to shift my goals or see things that I thought were important aren’t actually that important to me.
Here are some of the benefits of having a Sunday Reset Routine:
- Helps you stay focused on your goals & action plan
- Improves mental health
- Time Management
- Controls mental health
- Keeps you accountable & in control of your life
- Boost confidence and self esteem
Building a Sunday Reset Routine
This will be a lot of trial and error to find your own Sunday Reset Routine. I know for me it has been more failures than success but I see that as positive. I have learned that failing isn’t a bad thing, but a redirection on what is meant for me. Hopefully some of these will work for you on creating your own Sunday reset routine.
Set Intention
Setting your intention on what you want to accomplish and how it makes you feel when you talk about the things you want to achieve. When I was setting up my own Sunday reset routine, I journalled out WHY I wanted to do this and WHY it was important to me? What do I need to have a create this routine or system? It made me focus on what was important to me and no one else. One of my weakness is wanting approval from others on and helping them with what the want to accomplish. In the past, I have had a tendency of putting myself last instead of first. So for me, a big intention on the Sunday Reset Routine was to make sure that I am putting myself first. I am working towards what I WANT TO ACCOMPLISH.
Variety of ways to set intention
- Journal – Get a journal and write out your intention and your goals. Get serious and focus on why these are important to you. I have one journal for all of my goals. I use good notes in my iPad and wrote out everything I was feeling and how I could accomplish the goals. I wrote everything out, no matter how crazy it sounded. I just wrote and wrote until I couldn’t think of anything else. It was very therapeutic for me because I wrote down some things that I didn’t even know I was feeling. Which is why journalling is super important to me.
- Meditation – Meditation can be done in a variety of ways. It can be sitting in your favorite spot with or without music. When I meditate I do a lot of visualization. Some people will say that these are different but for me I can’t do one without the other. Setting a time to focus on one topic is another way to meditate. Pro Tip: If you are new to meditating, start a timer for 5 minutes. Slowly increase the time on sitting still.
- Talking with a Friend/Professional – I have a therapist that I talk to once a week. The biggest thing that I have learned that everything in small doses. I decided to get a therapist after I had a panic attack and couldn’t leave my bed for a week. When we talk she helps me through things that I am working on and challenges me to not put too much on my plate. To do list can be very unhealthy and toxic for me if I don’t control it.
Weekly Check-ins
My weekly check ins are Sunday afternoons. It’s the last thing I do on Sundays before my spa nights. My weekly check-ins are in a google sheets. I have each sheet broken down by each goal or things that I want to accomplish in the next year. For example, I want to build a more in person community so I set a goal of meeting up with one of my friends at least once a month. I would love to do twice a month, but right now I’m starting small. I want to set myself up for success and hit my goals.
Being able to see my goals and the effort I am putting in to accomplish my goals are right there in black and white. If I am not working towards or hitting my weekly or monthly goals then I have to evaluate if it’s something important to me.
Plan the Week Ahead
Planning your week is essential in creating a Sunday Reset Routine because if you don’t have a plan there is no reason to do this. My week is planned in a google calendar. I have everything in there and that is my blueprint. The calendar is labeled “Ideal Week” because I am not at 90-100% accuracy. I have when I would like to sleep, morning & evening routine, fulltime job, and the rest is time blocked in 2 hours increments. Right now, the pomorodo method is the best way I am productive.
I would recommend writing out what you want your week to look like and then start taking the steps to daily live out that week. I’m not sure where I saw this advice but it’s the one thing that has stuck with me. From everything that I have read, it’s important to start with the things you can’t change like your full time job, appointments, etc. Then fill in the rest of the time with the things that you want to accomplish.
Master List
Create a list of everything you want to do whether it’s in a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. I have my list in a notion task tracker. Every night before I start my evening routine, the goal is to open notion and check off everything I did that day. (Honestly, I am really bad about doing this.) Sundays are the day I try to prep for the week ahead. I get all laundry done so I don’t have to worry about clothes during the week. Meal preping is super important to me because if I don’t have food cooked for the week, I will go grab food – which can be expensive.
List of Rituals to Add to your Sunday Reset Routine
- Clean your car
- If you work from home, clean your office space
- Create an action plan
- Do laundry
- Meal Plan & Prep
- Journal
- Unsubscribe or Unfollow
- Change bed sheets
- Light a candle
- Financial Planning
- Exercise or Active Recovery
- Prepare for the next week
- Try a new restaurant, brewery, winery, bakery
- List your top priorities for the week
- No cell phone and/or technology
- Meditate, Yoga, Prayer
- Read a book
- Hobby – I like to crochet
- Get outside
- Deep clean – this is my favorite. I personally love the smell of bleach. It’s so clean!!
- Sleep in or nap
- Rearrange your furniture
- Netflix binge watch
- Meet up with a friend
- Practice gratitude
- Clean out the fridge
- No social media
- Go to the library
- Declutter a room or whole home
- Learn a new skill
- Self Care – I do spa nights on Sunday
- Work a side hustle
- Write a novel
- Challenge yourself to a new 30 day habit
- Clean out your emails
- Drink water
- Take yourself out for a date
Find something that works for you to make your week the most productive that you want it to be. Sunday Reset Routine doesn’t have to be anything formal but it should help you set the tone for the upcoming week. Remember: it’s not written in stone and can be changed anytime. What works for you right now, may not work for you in the future. Continue on finding what brings you peace, contentment, and productivity.
You are worth & deserve all the good things.