it’s all about making small easy changes rather than a huge overall.
Here are some easy swaps that I have found effective for me:
- Cute Water Bottles – I got a bright pink hydroflask. I had a coupon from Dick Sporting Goods that I got from a baseball game. Plus, I only drink water if it is SUPER COLD!! I don’t like warm water even though it’s good for you. I have noticed that I am drinking more water from cute, reusable cups!
- Limiting Screen Time Before Bed – I have noticed that I spend a CRAZY amount of scrolling for no reason. I am working on limiting my account of scrolling and being on my phone.
- Creating a Meal Plan – If we don’t mean prep and plan then we will go out for dinner. Each Sunday, we sit down and plan out our meals. To make it easier each day has it’s own protein then we figure out how to cook it. For example, Monday is chicken, then we decide if we want shake & bake or shredded, etc. It has made it so much easier to plan and prep.
- Finding a Hobby at Night – During the season it’s a lot easier than during the baseball off-season. Instead of just binge watching tv find something to do. I like to crochet while watching dinner at night. During football season, we like to do exercises during the commercials.
- Schedule Physical Activity – Scheduling them before or after work usually is key. Also having a visual reminder helps. For example, scheduling your workout after work and placing a workout bag in the passenger seat. When you leave work, you see the bag which should remind you to workout.
- Read A Book – I love to read. Instead of scrolling, read a book. I started doing this at night and I have been sleeping better at night. Instead of binge watching on Netflix, go outside and read a book.
- Get Outside – There is so much research for getting outside. I have recently gotten into hiking, and I feel so good when I am on a hike. Sometimes I have my headphones in and sometimes I enjoy the quiet. There are trails all over the place, but if you want an app I recommend AllTrails.
I have found that making smaller bite size changes instead of big life changing overhaul have been more successful. It’s about creating the habit and doing it consistently. Another technique is combining habits. It’s when you add a new habit to something you are already doing.