We have lived in a lot of places due to baseball. I am incredibly grateful for all the places that we have because we have seen things that we may not otherwise. Either because we didn’t know it existed or wouldn’t have gone there. Each time he gets an opportunity I am usually 100% on board. I love to travel and to explore. Here’s a list of the states I lived, and places I never visited.
Over the years our traveling has expanded. In the past it would be to as many games as possible. We still love to go to baseball games but now we explore of the area. Each place we have lived there are some places that I wish that we went to.
Oklahoma is a state that I didn’t explore very much when I lived there, because I really didn’t have the means to travel. The biggest thing that I want to experience in Oklahoma is Route 66. One thing I didn’t know that the movie Twister was filmed in Oklahoma. There is a museum open April – September with movie props, behind the scene videos, and memorboilia. I did live in Tulsa for 6 months, and I would love to go back and explore more. The big thing is Center of the Universe – Any noise made inside the eight foot brick circle is loudly echoed to those inside the circle, though none of the sounds can be heard outside of the circle’s perimeter.
There are only 2 places I want to explore in Arizona – Sedona and the Grand Canyon. When I was visited Vegas a few years ago, my family did a helicopter ride. I got to part of the Grand Canyon but I want to do more hiking.
West Virginia
There aren’t many places I want to experience or explore in West Virginia. I am sure there are plenty of amazing things to do in WV, but I have too much PSTD to visit. If I had to go back, it would be for hiking and camping. New River Gorge National Park would be something of interest.
I did explore a lot of places in Washington. Several of the places were rushed, so I would love to go back and explore Olympic National Park. I would love to hike Mt. Rainier. North Cascade has a spot that I want to see but I can’t remember it. Washington would be a lot of hiking and camping.
There are so many things I would like to experience in California. The biggest thing would be Big Sur and the Redwoods. I wrote a post about places to visit in California that’s not LA, SF, or SD. I have been to Palm Springs but I was only there for 6 hours. That really doesn’t count, right? There are also so many places I want to stay and things I want to see.
One thing I love about being back in Midwest is being able to explore Iowa. Iowa was a state that I was hard to visit, but I slowly got over it. On of my trips back, I was talking with my friend how I was nervous to come back because I have a lot of regrets and uncomfortable feelings. That was a long time ago. I am not the same person.
This is always shocking when I tell people, but I haven’t been to Field of Dreams. I would love to stay at the house on the property then explore the fields. Now that I am into hiking, I would love to check out state parks.
Arkansas is a lot like West Virginia. It would be a lot for me to go back even to just visit. I lived there for 10 years, so I have explored a lot of the state. But a lot has changed because I haven’t been back since 2008. A place that I haven’t been to (or I think I haven’t been to ) is Eureka Springs. I have heard amazing things about it. Another place is Hot Springs. I really love Hot Springs more as an adult than when I was a kid. I would love to go during the Arkansas Derby which is a qualify race (or earn points) for the Kentucky Derby.