I have always enjoyed and appreciated Mardi Gras, and all the ideas behind it. But it wasn’t until after my trip to New Orleans that I fell deeply in love with Carnival season and Mardi Gras. On the last day of the trip, I went to Mardi Gras World. This is where my carnival obsessionRead More
Travel Plans in 2024
I have always loved to travel. Even growing up I had the desire to travel. Growing up, I wanted to be a photographer for National Geographic. Then I wanted to be a photojournalist. Even in college, I remember telling people I wanted to live in an RV and travel the US. Then I wanted toRead More
My Goals for 2024
Goal setting has always been something I do. I am always goal-setting and figuring out what’s the best way for me to set and accomplish goals. In the past, I have done 101 goals in 1001 days but some of the goals were things that I didn’t really want to accomplish. They weren’t my goals,Read More
A Year of Celebration
I love setting goals but lately, I have been terrible about following through on my goals. Creating the goals is the easy part. It’s creating the small, daily habits to reach those goals. Another thing I struggle with with goals is celebrating when I hit that goal. So this year, I thought I woudl doRead More
Friday 4 Favorites – 2023 Recap
It’s the end of 2023. This has been a year in so many ways. It has had it ups and downs. This month’s Friday 4 Favorites is my 4 favorite memories from 2023. Started Therapy This summer I had breakdown. It was the worst thing I had ever experienced. I couldn’t get out of bedRead More
Why I’m Becoming A Minimalist?
Becoming a minimalist is a work in process. It has been something that I have been on and off again several times, but I am fully committed. Minimalism is about being intentional, living on less, and being more simplistic. Minimalism has become a mindset or a filter on how I live my life. I wantRead More
Favorite Thing In Every State I Have Lived In
I have been super fortunate to have lived in several states. Some states I have loved and some states I hated. As I look back at all the places I have lived, I can see how each state changed me. I always tell people that we can learn from everything both good and bad. ThereRead More
Creating A Home Spa Night
Going to spas is one of my favorite things to do, but it can also be very expensive. For the longest time, I thought spa stuff could only be done there. I don’t know what I was thinking. Then while the world was shut down, I started doing face masks at home. Spa nights areRead More
Big Things Small Town – Casey IL
Big Things Small Town is Casey IL. I saw the giant mailbox on Instagram from a travel Instagrammer. Then I started to figure out how far Casey was from me in Peoria. I am very directionally challenged and know where nothing is in Illinois, but I was shocked when it was only 90 minutes away.Read More
Ways to Declutter
Decluttering can be overwhelming because you might not know where or how to start. If you are asking yourself, why you have so much stuff or always picking things up. You might need to declutter your space. There are so many positive benefits to decluttering besides just living on less. It can increase creativity, lessRead More