These are a few of my favorite things. Some are discount codes to save money because who doesn’t love to save money. Some things I might receive a percentage of what you buy. And some might be both. Fitness Evidation – New ways to measure and improve your health. Earn points for living a healthyRead More
Signs You Are Still Losing Weight
Why is the scale still the same? I have been working out every day this week. I get this question all the time. I have been eating right, been working and the scale still isn’t moving. There are so many things going on besides the number on the scale. Here are signs you are stillRead More
Why I Became A Personal Trainer?
Why I became a personal trainer? This is a question that I am always asked. I haven’t always been into fitness, but I am so glad that I got certified and been teaching for the past 4 years. Fitness is a second career choice. Growing up, I could never decide on one things that IRead More
Monday Expectations
Monday Expectations are here! I have done this for Wednesday and Friday already, so if you want to check it out so you are aware what to expect each day that I am posting. I am such a planner and want things laid out for me. Plus it holds me accountable to deliver what IRead More
Friday Expectations
If you haven’t checked out Wednesday’s post, I would highly suggest it. It’s breaking down what we are going to talk about Wednesday. Friday expectations is all about TRAVEL! I love to travel! I love exploring new areas to always being a tourist. Which is perfect for the baseball lifestyle. I remember talking with myRead More
Wednesday Expectations
Wednesday Expectations are going to alternate between Wellness and Fitness. I think its super important to keep theme seperate because in my mind they are different. Some people like to use these words interchangeably. I’m not saying that’s wrong, but for me there are different. That’s what I want to share on here on Wendesdays.Read More
My Thoughts on TRX Certification
TRX announced that they are doing free online TRX certification for their suspension training course. The TRX is one of my favorite pieces of equipment to use. If I can use it in a class, I will. When I was teaching group fitness in California people would take my classes just because I would consistentlyRead More
The Fit Traveler Blog
Welcome to MY BRAND NEW SPACE!! Fit Traveler Blog I have been wanting to switch from blogger to WordPress for a long time. I was just really scared because it’s so different than what I am used to. (Thus also part of the switch is trying new things.) There are so many thoughts going onRead More
Quick Links
Hi! Welcome from Instagram. Want to see more? Below you’ll find my latest blog posts, training services I provide, all my favorites on Amazon, and ways to connect with me! Fit Traveler Blog Training Services Amazon Storefront