I’m going to be completely honest. I have had a love/hate relationship with vision boards. Sometimes I absolutely love them and everything on mine is exactly what I want to manifest in my life. Then times it’s garbage and I can’t relate to the board. There is always so much I wanted to accomplish. IRead More
Currently – December 2021
I am finally participating with Ann in Resident Currently series, and do find out it’s the last one is only fitting. I might go back and do her past currently themes. I have watched from a distance on this for a long time. These are so much fun, and I have loved reading them fromRead More
October Goals
I love the beginning of each month. In my mind, new start and beginning. To me there is something about the start of a new month or Sunday night to reset myself and focus towards my goals. Also I can’t believe that it’s almost the end of the year. It’s so cliche but REALLY whereRead More
We are MOVING to Peoria, Illinois
We are moving to Peoria, Illinois! Gary got offered a job with the Peoria Chiefs that we couldn’t pass down. We move and travel alot due to my husbands job. My husband works in minor league baseball, and we tend to move a lot for his job. Our Background Climbing the baseball corporate ladder isRead More
I’m a Zyia Active Representative
I finally took the plunge and became a Zyia Active Representative. This is something that I really thought about a lot. I almost signed up a year ago, but talked myself out of it. I finally decided to become a rep while visiting my parents and planning a move. I knew that I wanted toRead More
Friday Favorites – 4 Obviously Things About Me
I’m back for another 4 things on the 4th Friday of every month. This month is going to be super easy – at least I think it is. If you have followed my previous blogs or follow me on social media, you probably know these things about me. Favorite Color – Pink My favorite colorRead More
August Goals
Happy August! I am so excited to share my August goals with everyone because I have been working hard on what I want to accomplish this month. Last month I got Powersheets again. I have used them on and off again for the past years. I can tell when I haven’t used the sheets thatRead More
4 on Friday – Jobs I Wanted
Here’s to another month of 4 things about me on the 4th Friday of the month. I don’t know why but I have been doing a lot of reminiscing lately about the past. Not in my usually negative – what has my life turned into type of way? But more of what all of myRead More
Celebrate Everything
While I was binging watching The Biggest Loser, I noticed that at all the weight-ins ins AT LEAST one person every week was upset with the amount that they lost. And sometimes it was a lot of weight. one girl lost 6 pounds and she looked so disappointed in herself. Bob Harper and her coachRead More
Confusing Gym Lingo
Personal Training is a second career choice for me. I didn’t go to the gym or constantly work out until I was an adult. Starting out can be scary in itself, but then all the jargon that goes along with it can be so overwhelming. Here is a breakdown of Confusing Gym Lingo. lbs. orRead More