4 of Friday is me sharing anything honestly. It could be products that I love (or hate), apps I have been using, something about myself you may not know, or anything I wanted to share. MacBook Air Gary got me a new computer. I have been wanting one for a while. We had a Chromebook,Read More
20 Ways To Make Your Workday More Productive
I’m all about being productive. I want to get as much done in a small amount of time that I can. I love doing so many things, and I want to get as much of that done in a day. My goal is to find ways that I can make my workday more productive.
Things I am letting go
This has been a post that I have wanted to write for a long time. I debated on whether or not I would actually post it or just journal it out. This has been a post I debated on posting because I feel like a lot of people think the same thing, but think theyRead More
24 Hours In Milwaukee
Since moving back to the midwest I have wanted to do a trip to Milwaukee. I have never been before but I have heard so many good things. I was able to go to a quick 24 hours in Milwaukee, and I feel like I did as much as I could within the time frame.Read More
Currently in June
For the longest time I was using bloglovin for my blog reading. Then a few weeks ago, I couldn’t get in so I deleted it. It’s kinda sad because I had been use this FOREVER! I honestly don’t know what I am going to do without it. One of the bloggers I followed on thereRead More
4 on Friday – May
Here we are again for the 4 things on Friday. If you are new here, it’s where I share 4 random things about myself, products I use, thoughts, whatever and I make a post about them. Some times there might be a theme or other times it might be 4 random thoughts. This month isRead More
10 Ways to Drink More Water
I am not a water drinker by any means. I love me a good fountain soda. When I do drink water it has to be extremely cold with LOTS of ice. I have to do lots of little tricks to get me to drink water. At least I know myself. I know that I amRead More
4 on Friday
Here’s to another edition of 4 on Friday. Our anniversary is this month We are celebrating 11 years together. We did our anniversary trip earlier in the month because he had a game on our exact anniversary. We went to Louisville, Kentucky for the weekend. We went 2 weeks before the Kentucky Derby. Thunder overRead More
I am so excited for another month of the currently series. This month was actually a tough month for the prompts. Usually I don’t have a hard time writing what I am thinking with each prompt. Something is always on the top of my mind for each prompt. Getting Ready for the baseball season. TheRead More
4 Ways to Stay in Your Fitness Routine
It takes 21 consistent days to form a habit, and 3 months for it to become a permanent change in your life. As a certified personal trainer these are the hardest things to ovecome, it’s harder than the workouts. At the beginning of March is when gym attendance starts to go down because people areRead More