I am not your typical trainer. It took me a while to be ok with the type of trainer I am and that I want to be. My training philosophy has evolved over time through the different gyms I have worked at and gyms I belong to. I have worked at several gyms where theRead More
Zyia Relaunch
I have been a Zyia Active rep for a YEAR! I can’t believe it has been a year already. This first year of Zyia has been so much learning about the product and MYSELF. When I signed up I had so many goals and things I wanted to accomplish, but I quickly let fear takeRead More
Ways To Get A Discount With Zyia
It is almost a year that I have been a Zyia rep. It has been a crazy year personally but I am finally there with being organized with Zyia. Before I signed up, I only wore ONE pair of leggings that I wore to a kickboxing certifications. There are so many great ways that youRead More
September Goals
September goals is the last month of my first 12 week Year. I haven’t been as productive towards my goals this summer. There have been a lot of different things that have come up. At the end of July/beginning of August goalsI had a procedure on my esophagus because I was struggling to eat. (toRead More
Friday 4 Favorites – August – College Football
The time is here for another 4 on 4 for August. It’s the number 4 because it’s my favorite number. I have a few favorite players that wore number 4. I also like 4 because it’s an even number because I have an issue with odd numbers. This month’s 4 on 4 is all aboutRead More
20 Ways to Get Fit
Fitness comes in all shapes and sizes. Fitness is not a cookie cutter. One size fits all. This is something that took me a long time to figure out. I kept comparing myself to trainers who don’t live my lifestyle or interests. I finally figured out I didn’t need to look or be like thoseRead More
6 months of homeownership
I can’t believe we have been in our house for 6 months. It seems so surreal. I knew that we would get a house here, but I thought it would be after the season. I’m glad that we got the house when we did because prices are going up. The weekend that we went lookingRead More
5 Fitness Questions Answered
Another round of 5 fitness questions answered. I really love doing these people I love learning then being able to share with others in a way they understand. We are doing a Biggest Loser Challenge at work, and have a group chat to encourage and motivate each other. I am glad that have been ableRead More
August Goals
This is the second month that in a new planning strategy that I implemented from The 12 Week Year. I am now thinking of each quarter as a year. My goals that I would have set for 12 months will now (hopefully) get accomplished in 3 months. The first month was good and bad. BadRead More
MLB City Connect Jersey Review
Last year MLB came up with City Connect Jerseys for 7 teams, and again this year was 7 teams. Gary and I recently broke down our options of the MLB City Connect Jersey in order of our favorite to least favorite. The teams that have released a city connect jersey are: Colorado Rockies, Chicago WhiteRead More