This is a very last minute new years resolution. I wanted to do something outside my comfort zone at least ONCE every month.

I started out the new year trying something outside my comfort zone with car camping in the snow and cold. I am very much a fair weather car camper because I don’t like being cold. Plus I got a zero degree sleeping bag that I wanted to try out. To my own surprise, I lasted the whole night. It was was cold, but I’m glad I did it. Not sure how often I will keep doing it.
I’m not a person who does spontaneous trips. I like to plan and research before I go, but this was a trip I couldn’t pass up. Each week we have a group meeting at work. One of the ladies was like guess where I’m going. She told me she was going to Woodstock for Groundhogs Day. I completely forgot it was Groundhogs day the next day & that the movie was there. I was going to take half day in the afternoon, but asked my managers if I could take the morning off instead.

I left right after work and made my way to Woodstock, car camped, met with them for the ceremony, the groundhog did see his shadow. Then we head to the pub to take a shot to celebrate world peace, and walked around the square for a little bit. Then I headed back to Peoria to finish the day. I want to go back to Woodstock and take the movie tour when it’s not so cold outside.
I was a true explorer with taking several trips this month, but never took the same way back to home.
The eclipse – I went to Carbondale and hated my AirBnB. I went to Giant City State Park to hike for a little bit, but instead I met this very nice guy who was trying to get rid of his camping spot. He gave it to me at the price he paid. I followed him back to the camp site then went to my Airbnb to grab the rest of my stuff. It was amazing because the camp site wasn’t letting anyone in unless they had a parking pass for the Eclipse.
I have been working on myself in a variety of different ways. One of them was setting boundaries and not going back. I set a boundary of going no contact with 2 family members. I only decided not to attend an event where they would be. I’m not going to surround myself in a place and act like there are unresolved issues or clearing of the air.
My crocheting a temperature blanket starting on June 20th because it’s the first day of summer. I LOVE Summer! My temperature blanket is 12 different shades of pink with each month being separated by Gray. Each week I write down the high at 3pm.
Read More: States I Lived, BUT Places I Never Been
After 2 years of planning, I finally went on my Upper Peninsula trip. I learned a lot about myself on this trip with the biggest thing being I’m a writer. I have always loved to write and take pictures. Since I have gotten back, I have made time each week to write.
The UP is absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait to go back. There are so many places that I have added that I want to go back and see.
I learned a new sport – Disc golf.
I am finally speaking up and making the decisions that I want to make. Working towards the things that I want to work towards without caring what other people think or want.
I got ride in my grandpas airplane. He passed in 2018, and it has taken me that long to get up the courage to ask the person who purchased the plane if I could go for a ride. I really didn’t want to cry when asking, but I did. I thought I would cry sometime during the ride, but I didn’t.
It was really awesome talking to the guy who purchased the plane. He got his pilots license after my grandpa has passed, but he says he feels like he knows my grandpa. When he lands at different airports or airshows, people are always coming up to him asking if it’s Jesse’s plane. He says my grandpa was a good dude. (Not exactly those words.)
I participated in NaNoWriMo. I had a goal of writing 50,000 words towards a book I want to write. I set a goal to write 40,000 towards my blog, and an extra 25,000 words towards a secret project.
I did accomplish the 25,000 words towards the secret project. I am almost finished with it and putting on the finishing touches. I’m really excited about it, but super nervous to share.
It’s so weird, but I can’t think of anything that I have done that is outside my comfort zone. There is ONE thing that other people would think might be outside my comfort zone. I know super vague, but I’m not ready to share with everyone yet. The thing that is shareable & outside my comfort zone is I’m not sure!
As hard as this year was mentally, I am really proud of myself. I put myself out there, set boundaries, and spoke my truth. This year I was tough but I am ready for 2025.