Monday Expectations are here! I have done this for Wednesday and Friday already, so if you want to check it out so you are aware what to expect each day that I am posting. I am such a planner and want things laid out for me. Plus it holds me accountable to deliver what I said that I am going to do!
If you haven’t noticed I have so much that I want to talk about each day. I really wish I could write something everyday, but that’s just not possible with my full time job and other side hustles in the mix! Oh Lifestyle, what a mixture of things it could be. It will basically be anything that I couldn’t fit in the other days.
Also if you follow me on social media you can see that I am very random. I like so many different things it’s tough to fit into little circles.
Side Hustles
My etsy shop is called, Pearls and Stitches Co. I made crochet wearable and household products. I learned to knit and crochet about 8 years ago. It’s a hobby that is on and off again. During quarantine it was something that I picked back up again.
This little space a side hustle. I would love to be able to write full time. I am currently working on, but I know it’s going to take time. Growing up I loved to write and take pictures, for a while I wanted to photojournalism as a career. I never stopped writing or taking pictures but it’s mostly for my enjoyment.
Another one that has been on the back burner for a while has been photography. Honestly, I need to get a camera and work as a second shooter and practice become I really make this one more public. The amount of research I have done is ridiculous.
Capsule Wardrobe
This has been on my to do list forever. I really want to own a limited amount of clothes. I have been stuck on the number 45. Since we do move a lot I really want to be able to fit all my clothes in a duffel bag.
Minimalist and Intentional
I go through rounds when I want to be minimalist and when I over indulged with stuff. I really want to live on less. I want to have less things and use less products. There was a place in Seattle that I never went to but wanted because the concept was amazing. You brought in the containers and filled them up with shampoo/conditioner, etc. I thought that was so amazing because it’s truly using less and live with intention.
Organization, Systems and Structure
If you haven’t figured out from the past few posts, following me on social media, or knowing me in real life I love organization. All of these things bring me complete joy in life. Also our brains are naturally lazy, so if we can narrow the amount of choices we have to make in a day we are able to make decisions on things that really matter. There’s research that shows Former President Barrack Obama wore a similar outfit everyday, so he could focus on other things.
This is my new space that I am so excited to share with you. I would love for you to comment below with what you are most excited about!