Meal planning and I don’t have the best relationship. I hate to cook, but if I don’t meal plan and prep then I will eat chips for every meal. I could also eat the same thing over and over.

The plan is every Sunday to prep and make what I want to eat for lunch for the upcoming week. If possible, I try to eat the same thing all week. One week it might be meatballs from Costco, the shredded chicken the next.
I have learned that I have to have things that require the less amount of work. If I want carrots and ranch, I’ll need to separate carrots with ranch in a container. My brain doesn’t comprehend I have carrots and ranch if I don’t do this. I have learned this from a lot of spoiled veggies.
Cookware + Containers
I use either a crockpot or air fryer to cook my lunches. Most often than not, I use the crockpot because I can come back later. Or work on other stuff then come back.
First I lay out my containers for the week. Then separate the food into the 5 containers. It depends on what I am eating, but for the most part I use these containers. I also have these containers for food I don’t want to touch under I’m ready. If you want to get extra organized and label for each day you can. I don’t because it’s the same thing.
I have a scale, but I’m going to be real honest. I think I have used it maybe once. I personally like going off Precision Nutrition measuring. It’s based on hand portion control. Ever since I was studying for my PN certification this has been my go to way to measure food.
The small containers for sauces and dressings are my favorite because I don’t like my food to touch especially if it’s liquid and I’m ready to eat. I’m such a texture eater. I currently have these plastic containers but I want to get stainless steel ones in the future.
I am trying to be have more reusable products instead of things that can only be used a few times. I have reusable zip lock bags. I will say I don’t use them as much as I should. I did use them a lot while I was traveling this summer. Cleaning them isn’t the easiest because it doesn’t stay open to dry. I haven’t tried this but I have wipes for cooking when I am camping. Those might work?!
Another option would be to purchase the snack size of things.
Lunch Bags
I work from home so I don’t have to worry about lunch bags or my lunch getting stolen. In the past, I had one like this. I personally like keeping my lunch with me in case I get hungry.
Breakfast Options
My breakfast options are usually from Hy-Vee because I love fountain soda. It’s my coffee. Some people like to do overnight oats. I want to try them, but I’m not a big fan of oatmeal. Again it’s a texture thing. People have told me it doesn’t taste like oatmeal. But I have these cute containers saved for the day I do try them.
Meal planning and prepping is about finding what works for you and your life. What works for me might not work for you, and that’s ok. Finding what works is a whole lot of trial and error – which I find frustrating at times. Check out my post on Meal Planning Basics where I share how I meal plan.