This is still a new concept for me and I’m slowly starting to invest in myself more. Right now, I am focusing on how to fill and love myself before I love and fill others. There’s a popular TikTok right now that says I’m filling myself and giving others the overflow. I am no longer pouring myself into others. For a long time, I put myself on the back burner and ultimately it made me feel worse. Every day I focus on my personal growth, passions, hobbies, and interests.

Personal Growth
- Read Everyday. My goal is to read 10 pages every day. I am currently reading 2 books – nonfiction and personal development. My personal development I like to read in the morning as part of my morning routine. My nonfiction book is part of my evening routine. Reading is a great way to invest in myself. The 10 pages a day is nothing, and most of the time I read more.
- Enroll in School. This can be either going back to school full-time or night classes or continuing education classes. There are adult learning classes as well based on interests. I have always wanted to take a photography class because it has been a while since I have taken a picture with an actual good camera. I usually just take pictures from my phone.
- Drink more Water. Staying hydrated is important to your body. Research says that you should drink about half your body weight in ounces every day. This is the most important way to invest in yourself because being hydrated can solve other problems.
- Set Realistic Goals. We all know about SMART goals. Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Realistic. Time-based. This is something I highly recommend doing whether it be monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Right now, I have 15 month goal with everything broken down by months. Having small and manageable things each month will help me hit my overall goals.
- Talk to Someone. This can be a life coach or a therapist. I have had both and think it made me a better person. This has been the best thing I have done for myself, and I can’t recommend it enough. Talking about my mental health has been something that I have struggled with for a long time.
- Acknowledge all feelings. All feelings are valid. I am learning this in therapy. I am learning to acknowledge and validate all my feelings. One of my favorite ways to acknowledge and work through my emotions and feelings is through journalling. There is something about sitting down with a clean piece of a paper and my favorite pens that I can just get everything out of my head. Seeing it on paper is easier
- Random Acts of Kindness. I recently did this and it was my ABSOLUTELY favorite thing. Recently, I wrote letters to all my co-workers with things that I liked about each of them. I signed it secret admirer. This made me feel so good sharing what I love with others because I don’t think we share enough positives.
- Let Go. Surround yourself with people who encourage, inspire, and lift you up. Sometimes you have to set boundaries and let go of people in your life. This can be such an empowering thing and a strength how you invest in yourself. It can be hard, but a mantra or affirmation that has helped me is some people are meant to be in your life for a season, reason, or lifetime.
- Cook More. If you like to cook, get in the kitchen. Experiment with different spices or try a new protein. Try to eat different foods that you can’t always get or eat. If you are like me and don’t like to cook, get a meal kit plan. There are so many different ways that you explore in the kitchen.
- Organize Workspace. This may not be for everyone but I personally love organizing. I work from home and have my writing workspace. I’m trying to make it a space that inspires me to work. Having a space that is your own is a positive way to invest in yourself. Another way I have found that works for me in organizing is being more minimalist. I only want to have what I need and no extras. I have been able to eliminate a lot of things in my house with this mindset.
- Workout. Schedule a workout plan and be consistent with it. There are so many different apps and places to get workout plans. Start small with 15 minutes a few times a week and work your way up. Working out doesn’t have to be hard it can be as simple as walking to the mailbox, walk around the neighborhood. Add calf raises while you brush your teeth in the morning. There are so many different ways to include working out in things that you are already doing. That alone increases the chances of success. Working out impacts other aspects of your life and it automatically increases how you invest in yourself.
- Start a Blog. Writing has been a passion of mine for a long time. I have been blogging/writing on and off for the past 9 years. Recently I have gotten back into it with a deeper passion than ever before. Starting a blog can be as easy or hard as you make it. (I tend to make things harder than they need to be with being a perfectionist.)
- Delete social media apps. Social media is amazing, but sometimes you need a break or delete the apps altogether. I have a friend who takes every May off of social media. This is a great way to ground and invest in yourself again.
- Digital Pets. I have seen these all over the internet. I haven’t gotten one yet, BUT I have debated it. Honestly, I DON’T need to add anything to my to-do list, but it would be fun. I might need more fun and nonthinking things in my life. But having to take care of someone or something else increases how you feel about yourself. BONUS: If it’s not a digital pet, get a plant or something easy to take care of.
- Spend a weekend binge watching tv. Maybe you need to invest in yourself by zooming out. Sometimes you just need to rest your mind and body. This is actually really tough for me but I am getting better. One of my favorite shows to binge-watch is Anxious People and The Crown.
- Spa Days. This is one of my favorite things to do. I love going to the spa, BUT it can get expensive. Over the past few years, I have purchased things to create my own spa experience at home. I love this because it is something I can see and feel immediately.
- Join a Club. Meet up with people with similar interests or hobbies. One of my favorite places to look is One of my goals in the next 15 months is to get more involved in my community. I want to bring people together as well. When I was living in Arizona and Oklahoma, I was in a women’s group called Junior League. I learned so much and met some amazing people.
- Learn a New Skill. If you have wanted to learn something new this is the time. I am not the best at learning a new skill because I want it to be perfect the first time. I struggle with failing and learning from that failure. This is an easy way to invest in yourself not only personally but professionally if you want.
- Learn a new language. There are so many different ways if you want to learn a new language. This is another way you can invest in yourself that will have a big impact.
- Go to a Co-working space. This is two-fold on meeting new people while working on something that interests you. I did this often in Modesto, and meet some amazing people that I wouldn’t have if I worked from home.
- Puzzles or Games. I am really bad at both of these things. but they are great for muscle strength and endurance. One of my favorite apps/games is 2048. I would play that game all the time on my phone. There are several different versions, but I highly recommend it.
- Make a Bucket List. This is one of my favorite things to do. I have done this for each season and interest. The best one I have done was Sports Bucket List. It really made me think of all the different things that I wanted to do and all the different sports out there.
- Collect crystals. I am a newbie to the crystal world. I was introduced to crystals after a chakra clearing when I lived in California. I carried them around and started noticing a difference. When I have crystals, I feel my anxiety is better in large crowds.
- Get outside. Try to get outside for at least 20 minutes every day. It can be taking some time away from your desk, walking at lunchtime, or going outside just to get the mail. This has a lot of the same benefits as working out. I also have gotten into hiking, so you can download the all trails app to find local trails.
- Brain Dump. I do this when I get extremely anxious. It calms me down because I write down everything I need to do or on my mind. Everything gets out of my mind and it’s usually not as much as I think. Set a timer for 25 minutes and start writing everything that comes to mind.
Invest in Yourself
Investing in yourself can be hard to start, but find something that works for you. Starting small and with things that you are already doing will help with the long term success of investing in yourself. I would recommend staying away from trying to add too much at one time because most of the time everything will fail. Finding areas of your life that you want to improve and what areas you are satisfied with will help determine ways to invest in yourself.
I personally like to go over this when I am working on my goals because they go hand in hand. Take the time to see where you want to improve. This can be done in a day or a weekend, but I think it’s important to really think about it. What do you want to do with your life, and how can you invest in yourself to make that happen.
What has been the thing that has been holding you back? What do you want to accomplish that you never thought possible? My taking a look and asking yourself these tough questions will help you see where you need to invest in your life the most.