One of the things I am working on this year is simplifying my life. Getting to the basics of what I want and be in the best at that. I have always been intrigued by living on the road. Whether that be in an RV, tiny home, my car, etc. Intentional Simplicity is something that I have been working towards over the years. It has been an on again/off again adventure because I haven’t made it my own. I was doing what worked for others or what “it should be.”
For me, I have always used minimalistic/simplistic/intentional all interchangeably. I use simplistic or intentional more than minimalistic. One of my favorite things to do lately is looking up definitions of things and breaking it down. Which is what I am doing below, defining each word, and finding synonyms of each word. Then finding my own definition of the lifestyle I want to live.
In the beginning of Intentional Simplicity
My definition of the life I want to live – I want to live with less, to be able to fit everything in my car, and make less decisions to reduce my anxiety. The desire to live more simple and not so much stuff. I want a sense of order and things to have their place and function.
I have been doing a lot of reading and researching more about this lifestyle. The one thing that I finally realized is that it’s a journey. There are going to be ups and downs along with redesigning what this lifestyle looks for me and my life. By listening to a few podcasts I have reevaluated my purpose and why behind this lifestyle. Now I am more focused on the intention of things, and the purposes they serve. It’s not about the organization of my life, but having things that I use and serve a purpose.
Minimalist – a person who advocates or practices minimalism. using the smallest range of materials. used to describe things that are simplified & include ONLY the most basic components, without embellishment. keeping things simple.
Another word for minimalistic – clean. simple. uncluttered. basic.
Simplistic – excessively simple or simplified. staying in the present & not making things complicated. appreciating the small things. leads an uncomplicated life, finds gratitude. having what is essential and eliminate the rest.
Another word for simplistic – contentment. elemental. fundamental.
Intentional – done on purpose. deliberate choices to reflect what’s important to me. a clear focus or purpose. actions designed to achieve a goal.
Another word for intentional – Conscious. Proposeful.
Purpose – a reason for doing something. an end to be obtained. gives you a sense of direction. innermost driving force
Another word for purpose – motive. motivational.
Contentment – a state of happiness & satisfaction. peaceful ease of mind.
My Definition of Intentional Simplicity
The doing and having things of things that are important to me. It’s living with what I need and brings me joy. (or aligns with my purpose) Everything I have serves a purpose for a more streamlined life and being able to live out my purpose. I don’t want to feel so overwhelmed and anxious. I want to be able to enjoy being in the moment without thinking about what I need to do next.