I’m going to be completely honest. I have had a love/hate relationship with vision boards. Sometimes I absolutely love them and everything on mine is exactly what I want to manifest in my life. Then times it’s garbage and I can’t relate to the board. There is always so much I wanted to accomplish. I am never short on ideas. I love creating and thinking of different things to do and create. I have felt very staginent in my life lately, so I made it a goal to read at least 10 pages of a professional, personal, and educational book.

My vision board needed to reflect my whole life. I had kept everything seperate for all long time which felt very isolating. There was my business life which was me trying to create a “brand” for myself. Then there was my personal life with my husband and friends. It felt exhausting between them both. What really got me was the 4 on Friday and one post was things people probably don’t know about me. It was shockingly easy to come up with things that people didn’t know.
From the research I did there 2 ways to create a vision board – either paper with magazines, newspaper, pictures, etc or electronic. I chose electronic because I wanted to be able to see anywhere I go. I created mine through Canva. I uploaded my own pictures and also used images from Canva. (I have the pro version, so I had unlimited images to choose from.)
A Vision Board is a creative process to set clear intentions and goals for what you want in your life to grow and transform yourself. The areas/themes that I used for my vision board aligned with the goals in my powersheets: family, focal relationships, finances, work, learning, spirtiual, personal development, and soemthing else. I also researched on pinterest different areas of life that might come up – business, manifesting, etc. ((((look through pinterest again to add more themes)))))
To start a vision board:
- Create a Pinterest board and make it private. Mine is usually Vision Board with the Year (Vision Board 2023)
- Organize your thoughts
Get clear on your goals. What areas are you going to focus on for this year. How long is your vision board good for. I update mine every 6 months.
TIP: Don’t rush this step. Think about it all aspects of your life and who you really wanted to be or do. This should be something you feel, and see yourself embody. - Collect Images for your Vision Board
In the search bar, put words or phrases, images, colors, patterns of things that you want to accomplish or that inspire you. For example, I want to live in an RV. At first it was because my husband worked in baseball and we were moving so often to me it made sense. Let’s get an RV and make monthly payments towards that instead of all these down deposits, etc. Now I see if as living simple. Living with less, and that has become important to me. So I would look for a photo on Pinterest that’s similar to the one i want.
TIP: It’s great to have material things, but also include how to do you want to feel. - Create Your Vision Board
After you have enough images that represent who you are and what you want to accomplish. it’s time to create the board. I love Canva, but there are so many apps available to help arrange the photos. Canva is great because if you have the upgraded version you can format it any size. This will be nice when you are want to display it.
TIP: CanvaPro or magazines to create your vision board - Displaying your Vision Board
Now the board is done you should place it where you constantly see it. Currently, I have my smaller version of my vision board on my apple watch. Every time I take a look it reminds of what my goals are. It also brings things back to focus for me.
It’s important that you don’t all the work and then place it in the closet or just forget about it. Place it somewhere that’s important to you. Look at it daily. Feel each image like you have already accomplished it.
I often use my vision board when doing visualization exercises in the morning. I visualize myself in the RV, travelling and being my own boss. Imagine this is already your life.
What’s on your vision board?