Welcome to MY BRAND NEW SPACE!! Fit Traveler Blog I have been wanting to switch from blogger to WordPress for a long time. I was just really scared because it’s so different than what I am used to. (Thus also part of the switch is trying new things.) There are so many thoughts going on in my head right now, I don’t know where to start. But if you have followed me through blogs and social media. You know I can ramble!
Fit Traveler Blog
I have wanted to do a travel blog for a long time. I actually really love writing and have had several blogs in the past years. Usually moving and baseball and lots of my own excuses have caused them to fail or end. This has been a thought of mine for a LONG TIME.
I actually wanted it under a different name – The Fitness Gypsy, but I am an over-thinker and couldn’t get past the gypsy. The word gypsy comes with a lot of good and bad connotations. I felt like people might have more negative comments than anything with gypsy, so I researched and decided on Fit Traveler Blog. It’s easier to avoid negativity in my opinion. (If you can’t tell, I am a HUGE people pleaser too.)
There is so much I want to write about, and I haven’t had the worst time trying to organize my thoughts. I’m also trying to focus on done is better than perfect. Don’t be surprised if I change the format. Also if you like something TELL ME ! I want this to be a space and community where we can both grow and accomplish everything we want to!
I love to travel, and really don’t like being in one place too long. It is great that I am married to a baseball executive because traveling is inevitable. I am going to share places with travel due to sports, and places we want to go. My goal is explore the touristy and the not-so-touristy. I am also new to hiking and carcamping life.
Also, expect to see how I plan and organize our trips. I have learned so much, and can’t wait to share what I learned. No matter the trip I always get told how organized and planned out we are during our trips.
Fitness and Wellness
Fitness will obviously be another component. I am certified personal trainer, and have been for 4 years. When I was studying for the exam, I wanted let people know that you can workout with little to no gym equipment. Especially if you are moving or traveling a lot, a GREAT workout is still possible. I think there is a huge misconception that you need a gym for workout. I’m also going to show some workout places to try. I love trying out classes, so I’ll be sharing some of thoughts on gyms in studios.
Wellness will also be talked about here. I believe that fitness and wellness are separate things. Wellness to me is whole body which means fitness is one aspect. There are so much more to wellness than we think. I don’t think we can keep things separated.
My life and interests are pretty random, and I wouldn’t expect anything less in this section. My life goal has always been living in an RV, so I try to live pretty minimal. I am also working on creating a capsule wardrobe. I honestly would love if I had 40-50 items year round. Right now, that’s realistic because I live in California. The weather is pretty consistent, and my work wardrobe is consistent. If we ever move or I get a better job I’ll need to rethink this number. I am type A, enneagram 1 which means I love to plan and organize. I think I have systems in place that are easy to implement. It really bothers me when things aren’t organized.
I am so excited for this new space and share everything with you. This space is a long time coming, and I hope you come to love it as much as do.