I have started and stopped living a “minimalistic” lifestyle so many times. Every time I start it’s with the best of intentions but then something derails me and I never get back on track. Until months later. I have recently been trying to implement this lifestyle back into my life.
I included organization and decluttering in this because I think if you are already doing one you can do both. For me, as I organize things I throw things away and vice versa.
My goal when decluttering and organizing it not to try and do everything in one day. I like small chunks so I don’t get so overwhelmed.
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Simple 30 day declutter challenge
This is the most simple and easy way that I have found to declutter your space. Each day you will throw away or put that many items in the donation box.
For example:
(bullet point): Day 1: pick one item from your home you no longer want or need. Either throw it away or put it in the donation box.
Day 2: pick 2 items from your home you no longer want or need. Either throw it away or put it in the donation box.
You’ll continue this process for the next 30 days. I mean, you could continue counting up after day 30/31 if you wanted to. That’s the good and bad thing about this challenge is there are no rules. Find works for you and stick with it.
Detailed 30 day declutter challenge
If you are looking for a more structured challenge, here you go! I have also created a checklist at the very end.
Days 1-5
Day 1: Declutter the entryway. Create a process for moving forward.
At my place, I have a small table when you walk in to place my bag, keys, etc. Sometimes (ok most of the time), I just drop it there and go along with my day. I don’t open my mail right away because most things are paperless and I pay on the due date.
Take some time today to organize this space and throw it away or put it in the proper spot.
Day 2: Clean out & organize junk drawer.
Empty those spots where you put things when you don’t want to deal with them.
Day 3: Clean out refrigerator and freezer. Check out the kitchen organizers I love here.
Day 4: Go through cabinets & pantry.
throw away expired food and sauces. Look over everything else and decide if you want to keep or throw away.
-BONUS: This is also a good time to create a meal plan because you know exactly what you have and what you’ll need. There are times I will try to use everything I have before getting new food. Check out how I meal prep and plan.
Day 5: Counterops & anything else in kitchen
I personally don’t have a lot on countertops, but some do. Spend this day finishing up the kitchen. Deep clean things. Take inventory of what you have or what you need. Set a goal to get rid of 10 extra things. Look around and see if there are any updates or things you want to do to spruce up the kitchen.
Days 6-10
Day 6: Master Bedroom & Nightstand
Is there anything that is in your bedroom that you don’t want to be there or doesn’t belong there? This is the time to move it to the correct place or donate it. This would also be a good time to visualize the kind of space you want and how to implement that. This is the place where we should be able to relax and be calm.
Day 7: Clothes
I would recommend doing this is on a Saturday or Sunday. When you have time to focus solely on this. Most days the tasks could take anywhere from 10-30 minutes, but this is going to be longer.
I like taking all the clothes out of my closet so I can see everything. Popular things to declutter your clothes is to try everything on, put things in 3 baskets (keep, donate, or throw away), and capsule wardrobe. You do what works for you. Maybe this is a time where everything gets refolded and looks nice.
Again, this is a great time to take inventory of what you have and what you need or might want in the future. Remember some things should be replaced every so often. This is the time to think about how long have you had some of these things. For example, I need new sports bras. So to make the financial aspect hit a little less I plan on purchasing a new one every other month.
Day 8: Shoes & Accessories
Remember shoes should be replaced every 6-12 months, but also look at the bottom of the shoes. A great place to take your shoes is to FIND PLKACE because they will give you a $10 coupon when you drop off your old shoes.
So through your jewelry. Match earrings and make sure they have backs to go with them. If not, order some.
go through your bags. Do you really need 5 weekender bags? Trust me as a fellow bag hoarder I get we really do need 5 weekender bags depending on the type of trip. I can rationalize the need for bags ALL DAY!!! But do we really need them. The answer is probably no. One of my favorite places to take my bags to is a women’s shelter for domestic violence. Most of the time they leave with nothing. If I have duffel bags or other type of bags I will take to child services. Or save them for the holidays to regift. Has a friend complimented you using that bag before gift it to them. (I love gift giving. It makes me so happy)
Day 9: Bathroom & Linen Closet
Focus today on cleaning out the clutter in the bathroom, in the cabinet, and in other storage areas. When I clean out my cabinet, I take everything out and put it in the sink. I’ll clean the cabinet, wipe down the products, and put them back or throw them away.
Before you put them back check the expiration date, think about the last time you used it, do you not like that product anymore. Take inventory of what you have.
Linen Closet – check out all the linens and towels. What can be replaced or thrown away. Do you want something new? I recently went through my linen closet and realized I had a bunch of products I don’t use or don’t like anymore. I took them to work & gave them to my coworker. You can also check the store for the return or replacement policy.
Day 10: Go back through the bedroom, bathroom, and clothes.
Go through each room is there anything else You can or want to get rid of. Like the kitchen are there places that can be easily remodeled or changed. Personally, I am in the process of replacing all the door handles.
Visualize how you want the space to look & create an amazon list or Pinterest board. (I have an Amazon list of dream home items and a Pinterest board of color palettes.)
Day 11-15
Day 11: Clean out your bag or purse.
Take everything out and sort through each of the items. Put them back in the right places. Does anything need to be replaced.
Day 12: Basement or Attic
Personally, I put a lot of things in my basement to deal with later. If I can’t see I can’t deal with it. Then one day I have had enough then I’ll go down to organize. I know that I am really bad at putting things back after I use them. After traveling putting things away is the last thing on my mind.
My favorite way to organize these spaces is what I like to call messy organization. Take a look at everything and put all like things together. Then get a storage container and put all common things together. Put in on the shelf and don’t forget to label it. Costco has amazing black containers and shelves.
Day 13: Laundry Area
Day 14: Clean & declutter your car
This is another one that I like doing on the weekends. I’ll take my car for a wash. Then spend some time vacuuming and cleaning out my car. I keep an emergency bag in my car with basics like a jacket, blanket, jumper cables, first aid kit, beef jerky, etc.
Day 15: Remove 15 items
Go around the house & get remove 15 more things from the house. If completely removing them sounds overwhelming then put them in a box put it downstairs. If you don’t come back to that box in 3 months or 6 months you really didn’t need them.
Day 16-20
Day 16: Living Room
Day 17: Catch Up Day
Use today to finish anything you haven’t done or want to go back to. Or use it as a rest day.
Day 18: Get rid of old devices or electronics.
Before you get rid of things make sure the electronics you are keeping have a cord. Make sure the stuff you are keeping has the right charge and plug in. I also keep a spare of everything in the junk drawer.
Day 19: Other bedroom and/or bathrooms
When I cleaned and organized the basement, I have a shelving unit with things on there that I am not ready to donate but I haven’t used in a while. One shelf if 3 months, another 6 months, and the bottom is a year.
Downstairs I have boxes of DVDs that I rarely if ever watch. I don’t know why I keep them, but they are there. This would be a great day to get rid of these but they aren’t all mine.
Day 20: Garage
If you don’t have a garage or your stuff isn’t in the garage like me. Use this day as a free day, find 20 items to get rid of, and think about how you want to organize the things you need to get things?
Days 21-25
Day 21: Phone
For this one, I recommend setting a timer. I have found the Pomorodo method works the best for me (25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of rest – repeat 4 times enjoy 15-20 minute break)
Set your timer for 25 minutes & start to declutter. Can you turn your notifications off? Apps you don’t use? Pictures you haven’t looked at?
Pictures on your phone and don’t want to delete? I use Dropbox to upload pictures and then organize them in a folder by category or trip. You can also do an external hard drive. Some people purchase extra iCloud space.
Day 22: Email & Computer
Get rid of those emails by either deleting, creating a folder, or what the email says. I leave anything in my inbox as a to do list. go through your favorites, and bookmarks.
In the past, I have used unroll which finds all the emails you are subscribed to and you can decide if you want to do next.
Day 23: Dining Area
I don’t know about you, but I have a dining table but I never eat there. It’s for things that I should put away but haven’t yet.
Day 24: Things you haven’t used
Take time today to go through the house and examine everything. When was the last time you used it? Do you plan on using it? I have started giving pretty much everything in my place a shelf life or eviction notice. If I don’t use it in 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year then it’s getting donated.
Day 25: Porch, sunroom, toy room
whichever you have spend the cleaning and decluttering this area. If you don’t have any of those rooms, find a room we haven’t done yet.
Days 26-30
Day 26: Hobbies
Do you have all of your hobbies all over the place? Take today to organize that area. Donate if you don’t like that hobby anymore. Art supplies you no longer use or like, find a teacher and donate to them.
Day 27: Kids Stuff
Day 28: Catch Up Day
Another catch up day if you didn’t get to a certain day or want to dig deeper into some areas.
If you are caught up AND want something to do. I would recommend making or purchasing a cleaning schedule. I felt like I was cleaning all the time and I got this organizer of things that I need or should be doing weekly, monthly, yearly, and seasonally.
Day 29: Filing Cabinet
Go through any and all documents that you have been holding on to. Review everything & maybe make changes or educate yourself on plans. Can you lower your phone bill? Refinance your home?
I am doing this day by day in a different area of life. I am trying to understand my life insurance, 401K, car insurance, mortgage, etc. I want to know these for me.
Day 30: Celebrate. Take today to celebrate everything you accomplished.
As promised, here is your checklist. Print and hang it up where you will see it every day. Visual is SO important!

No matter which challenge you decide to do, I hope that you feel more organized. For me, a minimalistic or simplistic lifestyle has helped my ADHD and anxiety so much because I don’t have to make as many decisions. I have what I need and it’s enough for me. Also, I have learned to give myself more grace when I get off track. I tell myself it was one day or one thing, and it doesn’t define my journey.
I have also changed the terminology for myself. My version of minimalism is intentional simplicity. What I have is intentional for me and what I want to accomplish.