For the longest time I was using bloglovin for my blog reading. Then a few weeks ago, I couldn’t get in so I deleted it. It’s kinda sad because I had been use this FOREVER! I honestly don’t know what I am going to do without it. One of the bloggers I followed on there was Anne from Anne In Residence. I love her currently series, but couldn’t find her blog for about a week. I love doing this series even though I ALWAYS forget to link my blog.
On this prompt I don’t know where to start because there is so much to celebrate. Since I started my new full time job, I was able to get insurance. With insurance I have been able to go to the doctor and get medicine for my anxiety/depression and ADHD. I have been taking the anxiety medicine for the past few months and I have noticed a HUGE difference. I recently started ADHD medicine, but I am noticing a difference. Over the weekend, I was able to get so many things I have been putting off done.
Giving GRACE and COMPASSION. I can’t explain why but lately I have been able to take a step back and look at the bigger pictures of things. By doing so, I have been able to give people more grace than I would have normally. I don’t want to go into too many details but situations I would usually get me upset. I have been able to take a step back and give them grace.
I am taking it day by day. I was talking with my husband the other day about my goals and things I want to accomplish. In the past I had an idea of what I thought I wanted life to look like, but recently I have had a change of heart on what this is. I am working on taking it day by day, and trying to be 1% better than I was yesterday. I know what I need to work, but not letting the BIG list consume my life.
I have all the tools and systems for what I need to accomplish. Now I need to implement these to accomplish my goals and dreams. I need to implement everything before I start making changes or thinking that they don’t work. I am trying to implement everything because I want a different life. This month I worked through my powersheets and started a new powersheet product called the 90 day powersheet planner. I went through each sheet day by day working through it.
Recently I read a book called The 12 Week Year. It’s about breaking your goals down into 12 weeks instead of the whole year. We will wait until the very last minute with year long goals. This is the first 12 years that I am using this method. I am really excited about to implement this, but the author said the first one is the hardest.
More ZYIA. In the past 30 days, I have worn more Zyia since I became a rep. I don’t have a lot of clothes, but the clothes I do have I been wearing. I want more but I want to be smart because I am working on being more minimal. I really want to create a capsule wardrobe for each season. My goal has always been no more than 40 pieces of clothing.