I took March off unintentionally because work was a little crazy month. I started a new job at the end of January, and training was all of February. I passed all my training in early March, so now I have more time to refocus on other things.
I am taking a new approach to this series. This month I am taking each word and writing whatever comes to mind.
Getting: As a family, we are getting ready for baseball season. My husband works in minor league baseball, and the season starts April 9th. The major league baseball lockout situation does not affect minor league baseball so he’ll have a season. I am so thankful for that because I honestly don’t know how many more teams would survive. The 2020 season didn’t happen and IF there was a lockout with no games it would be tough. (If you want me to break that down even more, maybe I can get him to guest post about that. Let me know!)
Going: LOUISVLLE! We are going to Louisville at the end of the month. Our wedding anniversary is April 30th. For the past few years, we have taken a long weekend out of town somewhere. Last year we went to Tahoe. This year is Louisville, Kentucky. We have been wanting to go here for a long time. I think when we were living in West Virginia, but then we moved to Iowa for a season then Washington. I am so excited for this trip. We are doing some distilleries, Kentucky Derby, Louisville Bat Museum, and it’s Thunder Over Louisville.
Planning: TRIPS on TRIPS! We have some trips planned this summer. Some revolve around baseball. I hope to go back to Mackinaw Island in September, and we have a family trip with his family in October. I love planning trips and exploring popular and not so popular places. If you have recommendations of places in Iowa, Illinois, Michigan or Texas, let me know.
Posting: I need to write! I have so many ideas, but when I sit down to write I freeze. I see a white sheet and the blinking cursor and I freeze! I know I just need to post.
Thinking: Well for this overthinker, I do a lot of thinking! I am literally thinking all the time! Plus, between all of the business that I am running and wanting to launch.