I have wanted to create a capsule wardrobe for quite some time now. Capsule wardrobes seem to look so stylish and easy. I am not someone who is fashion-forward or experiments on trying different things. I like my solids and occasionally stripes. One of my goals for as long as I can remember is I have wanted to live in an RV. There is not a long space in an RV so I have always thought having a capsule wardrobe would simplify things.

What is a Capsule Wardrobe?
If you are new to this idea, a capsule wardrobe lets you have a variety of different looks with a set number of clothes. This can vary from having a certain number of clothes overall or for a specific reason like work, going out, camping, etc. I want to do a combination of a certain number and broken down by category. I live in the Midwest, and we have seasons so I can’t find just one capsule wardrobe. If you live on the West Coast, you can have just one capsule wardrobe.
Benefits of a Capsule Wardrobe
There are so many different benefits to having a capsule wardrobe because we all want one for different reasons.
- Decision Fatigue: The fewer decisions you have to make in a day the more you are able to make the right decision. I think it was Former President Obama who wore a blue suit with a white shirt and a rotation of ties. He said that’s his wardrobe because he has to make a lot of decisions every day and what he was going to wear shouldn’t be one of them.
- Afford nicer items: When you have only a certain number of items that you have you can afford to invest in more timeless pieces or higher quality products. When I was working full time not a home this was one of the reasons I did a capsule wardrobe was to get more timeless pieces that never went out of style. Plus, I have no sense of fashion. My favorite was my black pea coat. I wore it everywhere and absolutely loved it.
- Reduce anxiety: It can be stressful thinking about what am I going to wear every day. When having a capsule wardrobe you know you have clothes that you love, fit your body, and make you feel confident.
How to Create a Capsule Wardrobe
Step 1: Declutter Your Wardrobe
The first thing you’ll do to create a capsule wardrobe is take everything out of your closet. Start with a blank space and visualize how you want this space to look and feel. This space shouldn’t be stressful or give you anxiety. I know that sometimes I can get so overwhelmed with what I have. I get myself worked up for no reason.
Create 3 piles somewhere in your room. The piles are: donate, sell, or keep. In the past, I have sold my clothes, but now I either donate or keep them. I don’t have time (or want to have the time) to sell on Poshmark or Mercari. Also, I don’t want to spend time taking my clothes to Plato’s closet or somewhere similar. I would rather donate my clothes to a women’s shelter or goodwill. Anything that I donate immediately goes into the bag. I don’t want to second guess my decision by having a pile on the floor and then putting it in a bag.
Clothes that need to go:
- Don’t fit. Either too big or too small. If it doesn’t fit right now, get rid of it.
- No longer like it.
- Duplicates. If you have a similar color or style. Get rid of it. It’s only taking up space.
- Doesn’t work with your skin tone or body type. Don’t know what works with your skin tone – get a color analysis.
- Stained or damaged beyond repair.
The keep pile can be separated into categories like pants, shorts, t-shirts, long-sleeve tees, sweaters, etc. However, you plan on separating things in your closet or dresser they should be separated that way. I have mine separated by undergarments, tanks, short sleeve tees, dri fit tees, long sleeve tees, leggings, Zyia leggings, joggers, sweatpants. This is what works for me but find something that works for you and your lifestyle.
Step 2: Choose your color palette and signature print
By choosing your color palette and print you’ll make shopping so much easier, and you’ll be developing your own signature style as well. Also, knowing what season you are in will help you pick your color palette and print. To be honest, I didn’t know people fit into different seasons until I saw the TikTok filter and I had my color analysis done. Four Seasons Studio did mine, and you can also use the code 15OFF4FF to get your own color analysis. I am a true summer which is more cool tones with softer colors over vibrant ones. Which I totally agree with.
First, you’ll start by choosing 2-4 base colors. The base colors are your key items like shirts, pants, etc. My base colors are black, navy, and grey. Then you pick 2-4 accent colors. These are colors that show your personality. I chose mine from the color analysis I had done but I was already wearing some of the colors. My accent colors are pink, navy, emerald green, and purple. I will be honest purple is not a color I naturally gravitate to, but it’s in my color palette. I’m trying to reach towards more purples and reds which is really hard for me. Next, you’ll want to pick 1-3 patterns. My pattern is probably stripes, but I honestly wear a lot of solid stuff. I’m very basic and plain.
Step 3: Choose your capsule pieces
Now this is where all the fun starts. This is where you create a capsule wardrobe that fits with your lifestyle. From my research from different capsule wardrobe experts like Elle from Modern Minimalism, you should look for quality pieces that are both functional and versatile. Functional pieces are practical and useful. Versatile pieces are clothing that pairs with other clothes. My color choices from step 2 were done in my mind which could be versatile. I wanted to create many options with a low number of clothing. My goal is to be able to live out of my car or an RV so I need and want to be very strategic about what is in my capsule wardrobe.
Also in this section, you can decide on how many pieces you want in your capsule wardrobe. There are so many different ways you can do this, I would recommend searching Pinterest and figuring out what works for you. In the past, I said I wanted no more than 40 pieces of clothing. Right now, I am still figuring out what works best for me.
Create for the season that you are in. I would start with your bottoms first, and work the way up your body, but I don’t think there is a bad way to start. My capsule wardrobe is for my whole life – work, hobbies, etc. Thankfully, my full-time job is working from home so I don’t have to dress up too often or really at all. For me, I live in leggings. My pants are typically my basic colors with my tops being my accent colors. That was my thought process.
Denim Jeans – I wish I could find a pair of jeans that I loved to wear but I have not. I have seen all over TikTok some jeans that look great on anyone, but I haven’t purchased them. I have a few jeans in my closet but I never wear them. I have lived in Illinois for almost 2 years, and I can’t remember a time when I wore them. I should probably get rid of them, and go shopping to find what I like.
Tees & Tanks
Good neutral tees and tanks are essential when creating your capsule wardrobe because they can go with anything and be layered during the colder months. I personally like the v-neck tees more than the crewneck. When I find a t-shirt that I LOVE I literally purchase in every color because I know I will wear them. Purchasing a shirt with pattern is also a good way to add your personality to your wardrobe. Personally, I think the number of shirts you have should be the largest number because you can wear them from season to season.
Sweaters & Jackets
Sweaters are probably my favorite thing to shop for but the thing I pick up the least. I can’t find a sweater that fits me how I want. Sweaters are great because they can add warmth during the cooler months, but also add an element of texture and interest to an outfit. I love to layer my clothes.
Having the right jacket or coat will help transition any outfit from season to season. One of my favorite jackets is the Columbia 3 in 1 jacket because it can be worn in 3 different ways – a jacket for winter, just the puffy for fall and spring, and the outer jacket for rain. My color is black because I wanted it to go with everything. I avoided white because I didn’t want to clear it. Any sweater or jacket should be versatile and practical as it will be used in a variety of different ways.
Step 3: Create Your Outfits
You have all your pieces to create your capsule wardrobe, and now it’s time to put it all together. From the research I did, people say to create about 10-15 outfits. To be honest, I was doing this during Step 3 because I wanted to make sure I was maximizing my options. Also, by creating these outfits when you are feeling it you have a bank of clothes you know match and you feel confident wearing. This is also a good time to realize what gaps you have in your wardrobe. What do you need to be looking for or investing in next?
What’s Next?
The capsule wardrobe is complete. Now put everything back in your closet or dresser. Everything should look and feel less stressful. You should be able to see everything you have and what goes with what. You should also have a list of any gaps. If you need any organization containers, I love Amazon or Target.