Creating a capsule wardrobe has been something that I have wanted to do for a long time, but each time I stopped because I overthought things. I became so obsessed with having an exact number of clothes. There is so much information out there it can get overwhelming. I have done a lot of research from people who have embraced the capsule wardrobe style. For me, my end goal is to be able to live in an RV or my car. Ideally, I would love to live in a studio apartment then travel on the weekends. Overall, I want to live a more simplistic and minimalist life.
Capsule Wardrobe Overview
A capsule wardrobe is a collection of clothing and accessories that can be mixed and matched to created several different outfits. There are several ways you can create one. You can read about what I have found from my research here. Most people that have created a capsule wardrobe have a certain number of clothes and decide how many shirts, skirts, pants, etc. I probably sound like a broken record, but find what strategy works for you. Test it out over time. Stay open minded. and mostly importantly (at least for me) remember your why.
My Rules & Guidelines
I am working towards a capsule wardrobe. I’m making my base list with my current clothes, but also creating a wish list. In my worksheet I am also marking in red that if I don’t wear by the end of 2024 then I get rid of. I’m hoping this will either motivate to wear them. OR push into getting rid of them.
The Base
I decided to follow along with Pinch of Yum’s base worksheet. She has a total of 50 items broken down into 5 categories: layering, lounge, workout, outerwear, and accessories. I know I don’t do well with specific numbers, so I have created a range of 48-52 times. I will try to put in each category but I am also not going to pigeon hole myself.
The first thing I did was fill out my base worksheet. I started with my outerwear and worked my way to the other sections. I did this because I know what I wanted in this section, and it would give me the confidence to keep going. The goal is fill in the capsule wardrobe base and each season with my own clothes.
Outerwear is jackets, sweatshirts, pullovers and hoodies. In my case, it’s anything that I would put over the basics – shirt and jeans. Wikipedia said the outerwear is anything that’s not underwear, but that’s too broad for me.
- Columbia Jacket – It’s a 3 in 1 jacket. a lightweight, a fleece, and heavy jacket. it’s perfect because I can wear it so many different ways. The color is black so it will go with practically anything.
- Denim Jacket – I got this a while ago when I created my first capsule wardrobe. I have kept it all these years, but I can’t remember a single time I wore it. This is on the list for right now, but if I haven’t worn by the end of the year it’s gone.
- Athlete Pullover – I have had this jacket for years. I’m actually surprised I still have it because it’s white, but I have taken extremely good care of it. It’s perfect for practically year round in the midwest. It’s warm enough if I am running a quick errand, and I don’t want to wear my jacket.
- Green Zyia Hoodie – I don’t even see it on the website anymore, but it’s one of my favorites. One the outside the fabric is similar to the relaxation pants, but the inside has this warm and fuzzy material. I wish they would have made more than the pine green. I would seriously buy them all.
- Black Hoodie – I got mine from the Nike Outlet.
- White Hoodie – I’m Underarmour that I got probably at Academy.
I wear a lot of hoodies year around. All of my hanging clothes will part of the hanger test. Which is turning the hanger an opposite direction. When you wear the item, turn the hanger the other direction. Whatever clothes still have the hanger in the opposite direction will get donated at the end of the year.
This is an area that I really struggled with because I have a lot of accessories – mostly bags to be honest. I have a slight obsession with them. Shoes was going to be in this list, but they are pretty much already organized in the sunroom. Also, the number will reduce as I wear them and get rid of them. I have a jewelry box will all my jewelry. I will organized these later, and I will purchase a small travel jewelry box. This section I am relaying on other capsule wardrobe experts on what “should” have and also be aware of what I use and don’t use.
- Tote Bag – This is from Target. I absolutely love it because it’s reversible. What would make this bag better is a tote organizer
- Crossbody – My go to right now. It’s black (shocking, right) from Zyia. I am absolutely amazed with how much stuff it actually fits.
- Backpack (2) – I got one off TikTok shop & it’s absolutely amazing. It can fit so much stuff. I use it all the time for my trips. I have a jansport grey backpack that holds a lot of my electronic stuff.
- Longchamp Le Pilate Travel Bag Expandable – I have wanted this bag for a long time. I have no idea why but I saw a lot of people have one, and I wanted it to. I do not use this bag as much as I want. Mostly because I spend a lot of money on it and I don’t want it to get dirty. Also it’s either too small or too big.
- Duffel Bag – Mine is from Zyia, but there are so many brands out there. Mine is a smaller size that would be great for the gym or a weekend trip.
- Drawstring Bags – I have so many of these because I get one at every baseball game to put my purchases in. I hate having to carry things in my hands.
I am still going through my bags and will eliminate some more bags. I’m trying to be intentional with my bags because when I travel I like having things in bags.
Shoes will be part of my accessories or they might stand alone. I haven’t really decided but I’m not getting rid of any of my shoes because I wear most of them. Also I have had them for a long time, so I might need to get new shoes.
- Flip Flops/Sandals – I could leave in these. I actually have only owned flip flops. Now I only have a few pairs. My most favorite are my Tory Burch’s Miller Sandals.
- Sneakers – Currently I have 4 pairs, but that will change at the end of the summer.
- House Shoes/Slippers – I’m not picky on brand. right now, I have a pair from Costco.
- Hiking Boots – pretty obvious with one. I will need a new pair next year.
- Ugg
- Rain Boots – Living in the midwest, you need raincoats. I don’t wear them often, but I’m glad I have them. I also got on sale so that’s a win!
- Shoes – These are mostly my Sperry’s. I wear them when I don’t want to put on my sneakers.
My end goal is to only a have few of each or just one of each. Hiking stuff, season specific or goal based shoes I’ll figure it out. I do want to run a half marathon one day, so I’ll need more sneakers. As long as I can fit my shoes in a small box, the number of shoes doesn’t really phase me too much. It’s more about storage.
This is where is could be difficult, because I wear a lot of my workout clothes all the time. Even if I’m not going to workout that day. I’m not worried going over the 10 for this category because I am short in other categories. In the end, it will all balance out. Plus I’m working with range. I am still going to be intentional about the things that I have in the section.
- Black Zyia Leggings – I love these leggings. They stay put and I don’t have to worry about them.
- Zyia Ribbed Premium – I got these in my starter kit when I was with zyia. I think it was the bonus outfit. I love this set. It has become on of my favorites.
- Light Blue Zyia Leggings – I don’t remember the name but I love most all of Zyia’s leggings.
- Grey Zyia Leggings – I’m not sure they still make these or not. I don’t wear them as much as I want because it does have a palm leaf type of design. And they have pockets so that’s amazing
- Maroon Leggings x2 – I have a summery and a wintery pair. I haven’t worn these as much but I hope I will soon. I don’t remember the brand names, but they will go well with black, white, and gray. (which I have a lot of)
- Dark Gray Lululemon leggings – I have had these for so long
- Teal leggings – I got these at Costco because I wanted something beside black leggings, but I don’t wear anything beside black leggings. I’m keeping an eye on these to see how much I wear between now & the end of the year.
Lounge wear for me is anything big and baggie. Something that I am just super comfortable in. Anything that is “hygge.” These are my comfort clothes that I snuggle up with a good book and spend the day reading.
- Black/Gray Jogger PJs – Target Stars Above. I absolutely love these. It’s not on the website right now (wrote this in May 2024), and they are more winter like joggers. I also have them in shorts.
- Dark/Light Gray Sweatshirt – Target Stars Above. these are so warm and my absolute favorite during the fall and winter. I am always cold so these are perfect! I seriously want one in every color because they are so soft & wonderful.
- Joggers(3) – I have a black, gray and pink joggers. I think they are all Nike.
- Navy Flowy Pants – Amazon. I actually love these pants, but I never wear them. I put them in different places & forget about it. They are the best work from home pants ever. So soft.
Season Capsule Wardrobe
Again, I am using Pinch of Yum’s worksheets for creating my capsule wardrobe. Her worksheets were simplistic and has everything perfect. In her capsule wardrobe, each season will have 9 shirts, 5 pants and 5 shoes. For a total of 19 items. If you have been a reader for a while/follow me on social, you know that exact numbers give me anxiety so I’m working with a range 18-22 for each season.
Just like with the base wardrobe, I am building using my current clothes because I have so much. This is helping me purge clothes I don’t wear or need or buy because they are cheap, AND help me create a wish list for clothes that I will want to wear & will go with several things. I am NOT including shoes in my seasonal wardrobe. They are part of my base because I honestly don’t have that many pairs of shoes, and the ones I do have I’ll be eliminating. So this will work it self out.
Other Capsule Wardrobe Posts
- Part 1: Types of Capsule Wardrobes
- Part 2: Sort Everything