*There are links in this post that are affiliated products that I might receive a small commission from.*

Building your home gym doesn’t have to be hard or difficult. Your home gym doesn’t have to cost a lot either. All of these can come come up under $200. When I became a personal trainer, I knew that my philosophy would be on limited equipment. I wanted to make it easy for my clients to workout. I have always been a firm believer that you don’t need a lot (or any) equipment to get in a good workout. You don’t even need a lot of space. Anyone can get in a good workout with bodyweight exercises.
As a baseball wife we haven’t always had the money for gym membership or gym equipment. We definitely didn’t always have the space because we were living in apartments or staying in hotels while we were moving. I made due with what was around the house or did bodyweight exercises. It was the effort that I put into the workout that mattered.
When I was a personal trainer, I always had access to the gym but most of the time people wanted to talk to me. Or needed something from me when I was off the clock. It was tough to get in my own workout. Most of the time I did my workouts by the pool.
My home gym has grown over the years, but I still have the essentials because I’m trying to live a minimalistic lifestyle. One day I want to be able to fit all my belongings in my car. I am a long way from there, but it is a work in progress. Back to gym equipment, you don’t need a lot (or any) to get in a good workout. Here are things that I recommend as essentials. These are also great because if you travel a lot they don’t take up that much room either. I have a large bag that fits everything and goes under my passenger seat.
Resistance Bands
There are so many different types of resistance bands. Currrently, I have 2 different types off resistance bands for my home gym – small cloth and plastic. I love the smaller resistance bands over the larger one, but it comes down to preference. I got mine through Amazon (which is linked) and love they came with a little bag. It’s perfect when we are traveling during the summer and just staying organized.
I love resistance bands because they are an easy way to add resistance to body weight exercises. For example, not feeling in your glutes and legs anymore when you do squats. Add a resistance band just above your knees you’ll start to feel it again.
One of my favorite exercises with a resistance band is replicating a lateral pull down. Hold the ends of the resistance bands with hands above your head. Activate your back and shoulder muscles and bring down one side of the resistance band.
Sliders are a disc shape exercise tool that can be used on your hands or feet to add intensity to exercise. I love sliders because I go further in exercises than I would or normally push myself. Most of the time I use them for leg exercises – lunges, etc. Another great exercise is using sliders for mountain climbers. I have them in my gym but I don’t reach for them as much as I should.
Jump Rope
NEWS FLASH!! You don’t need a jump rope to do jump rope. I do this exercise all the time when I was teaching in my group fitness classes in California. I had some, but not enough for everyone. We would do invisible jump rope. The act itself is enough to get your heart rate going.
This is great to add in between sets or part of a tabata workout. Even though it’s cardio, it can be a cool down or recovery exercise. I do this to keep the heart rate but not as a strenuous exercise. In group fitness classes, I use the this time to encourage them to get in the right frame of mind for the next part of the class. Same process with at home workouts. Keep you moving while you mentally get ready for the next exercise. Pump yourself up to dominate the next exercise.
Yoga Mat
Yoga Mat. Towel. Blanket. To me they are all the same. I didn’t have a yoga mat for a long time, so I used a towel. Yes, it was slippery at times, but it was better than nothing. I don’t think this is absolutely necessary for your gym. My yoga mat was more there for mental mindset of my workout. When I was on my yoga mat I was working out.
Weights (Kettlebell or Dumbbell)
Weights can come down to personal preference. I prefer kettlebells over dumbbells, but dumbbells give you more variety in sizes. I didn’t get any weights until later, but I see this on a lot of peoples must have for a basic at home gym set. If you are wanting to add weights, I would get adjustable kettlebell or dumbbell. Both can be kinda expensive but you can also look on facebook marketplace.
These are things that I think would be good add ons to essential gym but not required.
Honorable Mentions
I am obsessed with TRX. TRX is Total Resistance Exercise. It was designed by a navy seal and practically impossible to break. I think they are one of the greatest tools for a workout. I try to use them in everything I do. When I taught group fitness, everyone loved them. My favorite was a TRX Barre class. TRX is great because it’s a minimal piece of equipment, but you feel it the next couple of days.
There are very few downfalls in my opinion with the TRX. First is the set up. I was afraid to use my in an apartment setting because I didn’t want to break the door. But you can use them for just about anything and anyone can use them. The other would be how intimidating they look. A lot of people have been scared to use them because they think they are going to break them or they are going to fall themselves. I have only seen it break once, but the person was messing around on it after I tried to correct them.
Foam Roller
Foam Rollers are great for rest and recovery. They came in a variety of different sizes and shapes depending on what your goals are. There are some that are more dense (or firm) for tighter muscles. Foam Rollers are great for either warm up or recovery. I typically foam roller for a recovery. I have a portable hand roller and smaller one that fits in my gym bag.
Stability Ball
Stability balls are improve balance, coordination, flexibility, strengthen core muscles, and increase strength and endurance. Like foam rollers, these can come in different sizes. There are mini stability balls that are typically used with pilates or yoga movements. BOSU ball is another type of stability ball. This was actually my first piece of equipment that I purchased because I use it in so many different ways. I use it to sit on, abdominal work, upper body, etc.
Home Gym Essentials
Let it be fun on designing your home gym. I recommend starting with basics and increasing from there. I have created an Amazon list that has everything I would recommend for setting up your home gym – essentials only.