Let’s start with the obvious I hate drinking water and have trouble drinking water every day. I am getting better but still a work in progress. Water has been extremely cold and flavored for me to drink it. I don’t know why but it always has been that way. When it comes to water people would like to say I am a water snob, and I wouldn’t disagree with them. I have brands that I like and brands that I don’t. One tip that everyone says is find your favorite water bottle or the best water bottle for you to guarantee you get in your water.

When I was a personal trainer, I would advocate drinking more water. They would all know that I would be speaking to myself just as much as I would them. We would all share tips and tricks that got us through the day to drink more water. I remember when I was at Planet Fitness, a few of us did a drinking challenge and if we didn’t hit our mark by class time we had to do 10 of our least favorite exercises. (Mine was burpees. I hate them so much.) We had so much fun because it was the motivation we all needed.
Because I don’t like drinking water, I feel like I have tried every tip and trick there is to drink more water. The one thing that has always been consistent is to drink from a cup you enjoy because then it won’t feel like a struggle. I have a small collection of different cups that I drink from depending on my mood that day. I have also tried so many different bottles as well. Some I really loved and others just weren’t for me.
I haven’t personally used this water, but I have used one like it. I still have it but it’s not one that I reach for consistently. Mostly because I like drinking water with a straw, and obviously this doesn’t have one. But what I do love about this water bottle it has markings for water. It helps anyone keep track of where they are at for the day, which I feel is the biggest struggle.
I have one that I use specifically for sporting events. Most sporting events don’t let you bring in your own water, but you can bring in a container and fill from the water fountain. When I’m grabbing food I usually ask for a cup of ice or ask if they can fill up my bottle. Most of the time they don’t mind. Nalgene’s are super popular in hiking and outdoors because they can snap to anything with a carabiner. I also like my bottle because it’s lightweight so it’s not heavy during my hiking trips. And I like it’s nearly indestructible because I have dropped it so many times and IT NEVER BREAKS.
I am going to be COMPLETELY honest. At first, I didn’t get what the hype was when I first saw these. I didn’t get it until I got one, and now I love them. Hydroflask are popular because they have so many different sizes and colors. You can grab a different lid. I have a bright pink, a light pink, and black. I have decorated mine with stickers, so it’s always fun to grab. My favorite thing about Hydroflask is how cold they keep my drinks without a lot of ice. The only downfall is they don’t fit in a typical car cup holder.
I have a small cup from Yeti with the MLB logo on it. To me, they are fairly similar to Hydroflasks. They have a variety of different colors and sizes, and I think Yeti has more sizes than Hydros does. I’m sure we have all seen the comparisons of the water bottles on Tiktok. To me, they pretty much have all of the same qualities just with a different name on it. I would say I probably grab my Yeti more for drinking water around the house.
I recently purchased one, and I like it. I mostly like it because it will fit in my cupholder. I do like that these fit in cup holders, but I think they are the same as Yeti and Hydroflask. I am shocked with how long the water did stay cold. I can’t wait to get some accessories for it – mostly I want the tray that goes around the top. It’s the most so me thing if I ever saw one. Obviously, they are great and everyone loves them. I have seen an option where you can design the top with your name. I think that’s pretty cool.
I had one and I hated it. The only reason I got it was because it came in a FabFitFun box. The reason I don’t like it was because the top is too small to put ice in, and we know how much I hate warm water.
I am new to this bandwagon thanks to some friends who use to work at Starbucks and would grab me the new releases. I have a few Starbucks venti cups and I love them. My favorite is the Halloween glow-in-the-dark. It’s amazing! Another reason I love these is because I am in the car a lot and like my water to fit in the cup holder. I also really love Starbucks cups because they are in Target, so when I am shopping I can grab ice water.
I don’t have this one, but I want one. They are collapsible water bottles. These would be great for my hikes and car camping adventures because it wouldn’t take much room. According to their website, they have 2 sizes and other types of cups too.
If a water bottle would give me anxiety it would be this one. It’s so massive, BUT the right amount of water we should be drinking in a day. I see tons of people at the gym using them, and the accessories that go with them would be awesome. I have one and I don’t use it as much as I thought I would. I love all the collaborations because they are always quick to go.
Back in the day, I use to be OBSESSED with these water bottles. When I lived in Seattle, everyone had one and I needed one too. I had one for a while, and eventually gave it away later. I loved the glass container, but its downfall is that it’s a glass container. They did have a plastic slip that was around the container to help if you dropped it. I have a light pink slip and a black spiky slip. Another downfall is the small drinking hole is tough to add ice, BUT you can go to their website and buy an ice cube tray that fits ice for this bottle. (I’m sure you can go on Amazon, but I’m lazy. I need to quick grab-and-go type of things.)
I personally haven’t used or purchased this water bottle. I do see them everywhere. Klean comes in 3 sizes, and from what I have read families with kids really like this brand. They have a variety of colors and designs so each child can pick out their own and no fighting. (That’s a win right!) Clean also has various lids so it can grow with the child from a tippy cup to a loop cup.
I have tried several of these bottles in hopes of drinking more water. It comes down to finding what works for you. Overall, I’m sticking to my hydroflask for traveling and Starbucks cups at home. Whatever works to drink more water. Here are tips on how to drink more water. Cheers!!