Here’s to another month of 4 on Friday. This month I am going to do 4 things you might not know about me. I feel like I am pretty open, but when I message someone they say I didn’t think about you or I wouldn’t think you would like that. So here are another 4 facts that you might NOT know about me.

Obsessed with the Royal Family
I am OBSESSED with the Royal Family and anything Royal. Princess Diana is my absolute favorite. I referred to Queen Elizabeth as Queenie E and my best friend. I joke with my friends that if you need to know anything about royal lineage I am your girl.
Mardi Gras
I went to New Orleans a few years ago, and it was the BEST!! I knew I loved it but I didn’t think I would FALL IN LOVE this BAD!! I have become OBSESSED with Mardi Gras, king cake, krewes, and the whole culture. Since I have been back, I have made king cake 2 times and plan to purchase more. I have researched the schedule and watch some many of the parades. I am planning a trip next year and I can NOT wait!!
Running A Half Marathon
I have a serious love/hate relationship with running. I run for a few years and get burnt out. Miss running because I truly love cardio over strength. I am running the Dam to Des Moines Half Marathon in June. I am really excited about this because I have wanted to run this one for a while. Plus it’s in my hometown which I think it super neat. I will already be in Des Moines for a family event so the timing works out perfectly.
I have gone back and forth on running a MARATHON, but I can’t commit that right now. My brain freaks out anytime I think about it. I think it would be fun to do and say that I did one. If I did do one I’m thinking the I80 Challenge. I would run a half in Des Moines, and then the next weekend run a full in Kansas City. or vise versa. OR be absolutely crazy and run 2 full in a matter of a week. I don’t think I will do the latter but never say never, right?
Solo Travel
I am starting to plan some solo trips for this summer. One is across Michigan. I’m going to explore the UP by car camping. I am really excited for this adventure. I am trying not to plan everything too quickly, but I went a few years ago and it was so pretty!! I’m still debating on the route that I want to take coming back to Illinois.
I am also getting into hiking. I hope to get out and hike this spring and summer.