Here’s the first 4 on 4 on Friday for 2023! It’s where I share 4 random things about myself or that I am loving. This month is all about my goals and what I want to accomplish this year. This is the 4 on 4 January 2023 Edition.
I35 Challenge
I have decided that I am going to run the I35 Challenge in the fall. Right now, I will be doing the half marathon in Des Moines and Kansas City. That might change, but I have been low key thinking about doing a full marathon in KC. I am starting the training now because I am prone to shin splints, and I want to push myself to lower my time.
Cook More
I want to cook more. I really don’t like cooking. I am going to give it a conscious effort to cook more for myself. If I don’t cook at least eat more healthy, and limit how much I go out for dinner. There are so many options if I don’t want to cook. Everytime I go to Hyvee, I see prepackaged single portion options. My goal is to get more consistent with meal planning and prepping.
Financial Freedom
By the end of the year, I want to have all my credit cards paid off. It will be a tough one, but I think it can happen. I just need to change some of my purchasing habits. I am really excited about this goal because it will help towards several other goals that I am reaching for this year. I
Minimalist Living
I have always wanted to live in an RV and travel. I wanted this for as long as I can remember. It has been at least 15 years that I wanted an RV. The type of RV has changed over the years, and continues to change but the goal hasn’t changed. Right now, I am settling for car camping when I travel this summer.
One of my big goals this year is to get rid of 1180 things from December 2022-December 2023. I did this a few years ago and ended up getting rid of so many things. I reached the goal by summer. This time it’s will be more difficult because I have gotten rid of a lot of things. Eventually I would love to fit everything I own into my car.