Here’s to the last 4 on Friday for 2022. I know we all say this every year but this year went by so fast. The person I was at the beginning of the year is completely different now. This months theme is about word of the year. I have done Word of the Year for the past several years. Having a word of the year helps me stay focus on what truly matters to me.

I am low key obsessed with the word searches especially those that say the first word you see describes your year. Or the scrolling of different words and you have to screenshot to see what the year will bring.
Transformation is a word that I am really excited that was chosen for me. I was on IG (dreamy_moons) had a rotation of words. Close your eyes and screenshot 3 times. Transformation was the first word that I screenshot. There are several things that I am wanting to change for myself. Some are going to be really hard and push me way outside my comfort zone.
This is part of the same rotation as Transformation. Purpose has been a HUGE struggle for me over the past 2 years. I feel that everyone is here for a reason. We are not put here to be idle or remain in the status quo. There is something that we are here to complete. I have felt idle for several years. I felt like I don’t know what my purpose is or what I am suppose to be doing with myself.
This year is about doing things I want with purpose. I plan on traveling and writing more. This is something that I have ALWAYS wanted to do. It has always been my dream to travel all over the US taking pictures and writing about it. This year minus the winter I plan on doing just that.
This is from a word search from one of my IG friends. The first 4 words you see with be your mantra for 2023. My first 4 words: Alignment, Connection, Power and Strength. Alignment struck a cord with me because I want to be aligned with my choices and words. I feel in the past my words and actions weren’t always in sync. Alignment is super important to me because I feel when I am not aligned everything falls apart. I want to be aligned in my faith to help me make the choices to lead me to transformation and change in my life.
Strength has dual meaning for me. Strength by getting physical stronger. I want to lift heavier and run longer this year. I keep going back and forth on how far I want to run this year. I know I want to run a half marathon this year, but I am unsure where and when.
Strength in terms to be able to make the changes that I need to make. Strength in being able to see the changes that I want to make and implementing them. I struggle sometimes implementing things because I don’t want to hurt anyones feelings.