This month I am going with my first reaction to the word. I am not thinking about the answers at all. Usually I think about what I am going to write or wait until the end of the month and think about the whole month. It’s the first thing that pops into my mind with a description of why I picked that word.
Notebooks. I know this sounds really weird but in the midst of unpacking everything I have found so many notebook. Each box probably had 2 or 3 notebooks. It’s crazy that I have that many notebooks. Especially since I am trying to go more electronic. It’s also not shocking that this would be the first thing that I think of when it comes to collecting. I have always liked a good notebook.
Steaks. Since moving back to the Midwest, I have had more steaks than I have probably had in my entire life. My husband doesn’t mind because he got a grill when we moved to Illinois, and he loves to cook and grill. We have been to HyVee so much in the past 10 months that we have lived here that they are starting to recognize us.
AE Dip. I have also been eating so much chip dip. When I knew that we were moving back to the Midwest I knew this would be something that I would get immediately.
My ideal life. I am picturing how I am going to finish the rest of year. I just finishing reading The 12 Week Year and it has changed my life and how I tackle my goals. I am trying not to picture too far in advance because I have learned that is paralyzing to me. I can not have the fake it until I make it mentality because I won’t make it. I am spending more time in the moment and visualizing each day and make each day 1% better.
Podcasts. I am trying to get as much professional development with Zyia without letting it be a distraction. I am currently obsessing over Kristen Boss and Katie Harlan. My goal is to listen to one of each per day. I usually listen during my lunch break.
The season hasn’t even started, and I am ready for it to be over. I don’t know why but I’m just not feeling it this season. I don’t plan on going to a lot of games, but summer just doesn’t feel like summer.