Creating a capsule wardrobe has been on my list of things I have wanted to do for a LONG TIME. I have also been putting it off EVEN THOUGH it’s something I want extremely bad. My biggest reason for creating a capsule wardrobe is to eliminate the anxiety and stress. I can get so overwhelmed when I am packing, and can stress myself out more than it should. My goal is that having a limited number of clothes will make decision making easier for me. Here is about creating a capsule wardrobe sort everything.

I have been researching how to create a capsule wardrobe, and there are several different types of options. I decided that I am doing combination capsule wardrobe. Check out this post to read about how I came up with my capsule wardrobe. I have a base of 48-52 items of clothes & accessories. Then each season will be 15-20 items.
First Things First
The first step is to empty your closet. Take everything out & put it on the bed. This advice was constant among all the research I have did on creating a capsule wardrobe. How you seperate and organize the piles was different. But overall you are going to try on every single thing you own and decide the pile.
Toss. Donate. Sell. Keep.
This is the most popular way that I saw from my research. After you clean out your closet, you’ll create these 4 piles: Toss, donate, sell, and keep. Toss any item that is stretched, ripped, stained or faded. Donate any item that you don’t wear but still wearable. Sell an item that it’s like new but you don’t wear or not your style. Keep is anything in your style and in your capsule wardrobe.
Sometimes when I purge my closet I just do a toss, donate and keep. I have tried to sell things off poshmark, but now I don’t have the energy. I also don’t want to go place to place trying to sell the clothes. I personally like this one more because I can put in the keep pile then separate more if needed. I also wear a lot of the same thing and it doens’t matter the season.
Favorite Pile
If you have clothes that you absolutely love and don’t want to part with, create a favorite pile. BUT everything can not be a favorite. So when you create a favorite pile, but pick a number (or range) and stick with it.
Maybe Pile
Another option that I read was to create a maybe pile. Just like the favorite pile, not everything can be a maybe. Same rules for the maybe pile. Things that you aren’t quite ready to get rid of will go in a bag downstairs or somewhere hidden. It’s out of sight, but if you really want to wear something it’s not gone forever. Then whatever you don’t wear during a timeframe you decide (they recommended a month) the clothes would be a no.
Try It On
Try it on. This was a game changer for me because I tried everything on and looked in the mirror. If it didn’t fit it went into either donate or toss pile. If I didn’t feel confident or like the way I looked or didn’t feel good about myself then it was also put in the donate or toss pile. If the clothes didn’t quite fit, I would put in the maybe pile and leave for the next season. If I didn’t wear them the next season, I got rid of them.
Think About The Why
Think about why you are keeping it. Did you get as a gift and keep it just in case? Was it expensive? I am so guilty of this, and I know I am not alone. I think I can’t get rid of it. I spent $X amount on it. The money is gone, and all I see is the guilt or regret when I look at that item. That’s not a good way to look at things. Get rid of it. Donate it. Pass it on to someone else.
For me it’s about the money. I think oh I have spent so much, and I don’t want that to go to waste. But I have already spent the money. It’s not going to come back based on me wearing it a few times. I am still working on this because it’s really hard for me.
The WHY you create a capsule wardrobe will come into play during the sorting stage. You’ll want to keep everything, it’s your favorite, it’s a gift, I’m waiting for the right time, lose weight, gain weight, etc. When you are spiraling (like I do) go back to the WHY. Speak your way outloud.
Other Options
Exchange Party.
I did this is when I lived in Oklahoma City. A bunch of us got together with clothes we no longer wear. We laid out all the clothes and went through them. It was a lot of fun because someone would see something that would look good on the others. We tried things on and different perspectives. Also you never know if someone has the item that you have been looking for.
But be careful because you might be grabbing things because you might wear them or you wanted something like this before. I would recommend going in with a checklist or wish list of things, and stick to it. If you stick to your goal, reward yourself afterwards.
Hanger Test.
This can help with your capsule wardrobe or if your goal is to eliminate some clothes. I would recommend the hanger test. I have done this before and it really helped to take the emotion out of decluttering my wardrobe. Everything goes on a hanger facing one direction. Then as you wear it the hanger gets turned in the other direction. After a certain timeframe you can see what clothes you didn’t wear and can get rid of them.
Cleaning Out The Closet
How often should you clean out the closet? I don’t remember where I read this, but don’t think about the next season until 2 weeks before that season starts. When that time comes, re-evalute your closet and shop for the next season. I also like to purge right before a move or a big event.
Overall it’s all about finding a system that works for you and your lifestyle. Don’t rush creating a capsule wardrobe. Start small and do what’s comfortable for you.