Working from home has been something I have wanted for a long time. So now that I am it’s a huge check off my list. In the past, I would say that one day I’ll quit my full time job or cut back on hours and focus more of my attention on things that I love doing. But things have changed, I absolutely LOVE my full time job on so many different levels. It also gives me the ability to be more creative. Whether it’s my full time job or working on my writing being productive working from home can be a challenge. I am by no means an expert, but these are things that have worked for me.
My day off usually starts the night before with prepping on how I want to spend the next day. I usually have a theme for the day. Mondays is usually social media based with making graphics or scheduling in buffer. Tuesday is when I get a lot of writing done or reaching out for freelance opportunities. This works for me because I know what I am working on and can prep my brain for it. Our brains are naturally lazy if we don’t tell it to do something.
Set a timer
There are so many options with this tip, but being productive working from home I have to set a timer. I have found that my productive time frame can range from 60-75 minutes or I do the pomorodo method. It depends on the day and the project. Most of the time, I follow the pomorodo method which is 4 sessions of 25 minutes with a 5 minute break. On the last 25 minutes, you can take a longer break. When I am doing writing, I typically do one post from start to finish. If it’s freelance work, I’ll just set a timer and knock out as much as I can.
This honestly has been a lot of trial and error on my part. Find what works for you and don’t be afraid to try new things. What will work one day might not work the next. I feel like if I followed this advice, I would be so much better off. (But things happen for a reason and in the right timing.)
To Do List
I have to have a to do list. I am the best when I have a list of things to mark off. It’s probably why I started Thrive Printables because I am obsessed. We all have the one thing that makes us productive, and for me it’s lists. I swear that I have used so many different methods and I still don’t have one that I do consistently. I have used paper and pen, google calendar, digital planner, etc. Right now, I am back to using google calendar. My google calendar has entire day planned out in terms of my ”ideal” day. Sections are broken up into 2 hour increments, with things that need to get done in each section. This isn’t ideal, but it’s what I am doing right now.
I am working on a lot of different things right now, and have created a to do list for each opportunity. I don’t love this way but I haven’t found the thing that works for me. My goal is to find something in notion because I absolutely love it. I also haven’t really spend the time to research what this because a lot of these things have been put on the back burner for a long time.
Change Clothes
I learned this tip from my life coach during quarantine. I was struggling with getting my to do list done and being more productive. She suggested that I change clothes in the morning. When I get up to go to “work” change into work clothes. This will help trigger the body to think that it’s time to work. I did it for 2 weeks, and now I swear by it. It’s something that HAS to be done now before I sit down at my desk.
Another tip that I have been doing for YEARS is wearing shoes while working. I think it was from Jess Lively podcast that I heard that, and I was skeptical but it really works. When I am doing chores around the house, I am usually in slippers. If I am not wearing my shoes, I know that it’s rest and recovery time.
Designated Area
From all of my reading and research, this tip is suppose to make you being productive working from home. I personally I go back and forth on because sometimes it’s not always fessible. I agree to some degree. The only place I really try not to do work is in my bed. I do feel most productive when I am at my desk whether that be my full time job or my writing. I love my writing desk because it’s L shaped so I can have things spread out.
Bottle Water
Staying hydrated is SO important in everything we do. It’s also the thing that is the HARDEST to do. I personally hate drinking water. When I drink water it has to be ICE COLD – like more ice than water. I know when I drink water more I get more things done and I’m more focused. Right now, my favorite is cubed ice with liquid iv and pedialyte.
Sleep Schedule
I have sworn by this forever because I love my sleep. If there is one things I constantly do it’s going to bed at the same time every night, but lately I have been bad about waking up at the same time. When I am consistent at this, I notice a huge difference. It is something that I am currently working on.
I was going to title this workout, but it really doesn’t need to be a workout. It really any sort of movement throughout the day. Sitting is the new smoking. We are a society that sits more than anything else, and it’s hurting our bodies. We were meant to stay idol or be in one spot. Movement can be walking to get the mail or down the street. If you have an Apple Watch, it tells you at 10 til every hour that you haven’t stood and to stand for 1 minute. We can all stand for ONE MINUTE.
If you want your move to be your workout, you can. I know when I workout in the morning before work I am much more productive. Also, I know if I don’t do it early in the morning it won’t get done. I will make up every excuse not to workout or I just let the day get away from me as well. If I don’t work out in the morning, I usually try and workout at lunch.
Take time for yourself
After I do one pomorodo around, I like to do take at least a 15 minute break. I have also been working some overtime at my full-time job. I will go in few 2 hours then take 2 hours off and go back and forth until I don’t feel like working anymore. Also during 1 of those 2 hours, I do something for me. It depends on the day but a few of my favorite are doing a face mask, listening to music or true crime podcast, or reading. Sometimes even taking a nap or just sitting on the couch watching tv.
I saw something on TikTok recently about the saying your can’t pour from an empty cup. We can’t pour into others if we aren’t pouring into yourself. Then followed up with we are no longer pouring into others. They are getting our overflow. That has really stuck with me because I am very much a people pleaser and most of the time I want to keep the peace. This has become my favorite thing on being productive working from home. I have to give to myself first. I am also so lucky that I have amazing managers who encourage us to take a day if we need it.
From my experience and research, I have seen and read so many people say these are things that will make you successful or productive or whatever. It’s all about finding something that works for you and your schedule. We are all different and each day is different depends on our mood, how much sleep we got, what we ate or drank the days before. The one thing I am constantly telling myself is not to be too hard on myself and have realistic goals of what I can get done in a day. Bring productive working from home is all subjective.