I’m usually not a let’s celebrate my birthday type of person. This year I am trying to be, and embrace being 40. I don’t feel like I’m 40, and I don’t look like I’m 40. For the weekend of my birthday, I thought I would post 40 things thing about myself.
- I go by Jessa, but my name is actually Jessica. I will answer to any nickname of Jessica except for Jessie. That one bothers me. Only a few people call me that.
- Arkansas and Iowa are both considered home for me. I was born in Iowa but grew up in Arkansas. I have spent equal about in each place.
- I graduated from Iowa State University with my bachelor’s in Marketing and a minor in Journalism and statistics.
- Before I went to Iowa State, I went to a college in Arkansas for music. I was going to be a music teacher. But it wasn’t for me both the school and the music program. The ONE shining moment was during tryouts for concert band I got 2nd band first chair. I beat out so many other senior clarinet players. They were all so mad after bullying me during marching band.
- I love music but I HATED marching band. I wish I didn’t have to do it because I just think it’s the worst. I don’t like it or enjoy it. I wish I could have just done concert band.
- I currently have a full-time job in the medical field. I have had a variety of jobs from moving around. I have learned something at each job that I can take with me in life and work experience.
- My definition of success was being my own boss and having the freedom to go where and when I wanted. Now my definition is making time for everything I want to do. I love my full-time job, and I am more creative in my writing.
- I’m currently thinking about going back to school. I would love to stay in something in the medical field but not sure in what capacity.
- My favorite color is Pink. My second favorite is Blue. I use to love the color blue more than it switched. I don’t even remember when or why but it did.
- I’m a huge Braves fan. I grew up watching the Braves on TBS. Chipper Jones was my favorite player. I probably shouldn’t say thing about me but I started being a Braves fan to impress a guy I liked in middle school.
- Growing up I wanted to be a photographer at National Geographic.
- I usually ALWAYS have a fountain drink with me. I have actually become a drink gremlin because I usually have 2 or 3 always with me.
- I think this is one of the most interesting things about me. I wanted to live in an RV and travel the US before it was popular.
- I love to read. I also have at least 3 different books going. It’s down to 2 different type of books now. One is about self-development, and the other is non-fiction. The non-fiction is the one I usually read before bed.
- My favorite drink is fountain coke from McDonalds, but Casey is a close second.
- My favorite food would have to be chips and dip of any kind. I like potato chips with AE chip dip. Tortilla and guac are amazing. I’m definitely a sweet and salty flavor type of person.
- I really like all kinds of music. I will listen to just about anything.
- My eye color is BLUE. Depending on what I wear the blueness amplifies. Also when I cry the color goes to a sea blue.
- I am very sensitive. I used to hate that about myself but now I lean into it more. Now I consider myself a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). I didn’t know that term existed until a friend mentioned it to me and I read about being HSP.
- I use to be a personal trainer. I recently decided not to renew my certification. I’m focusing on my writing and photography.
- My favorite thing about traveling and moving so much is I have met some amazing people that I wouldn’t have met otherwise. Also, it has given me perspective.
- One of my many bucket list trips is to Sedona, Arizona. I would love to make it a whole Southwest US trip.
- My newest hobby is hiking and camping especially car camping. I’m still high maintenance when I hike and camp, but found a group just like me.
- I probably have undiagnosed OCD because everything needs to have its place and be organized. Everything needs to be somewhat clean before I can sit down and work. I’m working on leaving things until I get what I want done. It’s not easy, but I am getting better.
- I am a morning person over an evening person. After 8pm I am useless. I use to teach group fitness late in the evening and my brain just turns off. I say the wrong muscle groups or wrong directions. Everyone knows I’m much better in the morning.
- My loyalty goes a long way. It honestly takes a LOT for me to write you off, but when I do there is no turning back. After that, you don’t exist to me.
- I don’t like to cook. It has never interested me, so I don’t do it often. For dinner, if someone isn’t making it for me I will snack or eat pizza rolls.
- My favorite trip I have taken has been to New Orleans.
- Bridges and murals are my favorite to photograph.
- I enjoy watching sports. I am VERY SEC-biased, but I am alright with that. College sports are my first choice followed by MLB. I’m not a huge NBA or NHL fan. I’ll watch if it’s on, but I don’t actively seek it out.
- My first baseball game was a minor league game – Iowa Cubs. It will ALWAYS be Sec Taylor Stadium. I can’t remember my first MLB game – it was either Turner Field (Atlanta Braves) or Busch Stadium (St Louis Cardinals, but they were playing the Braves)
- I love to journal. There is NOTHING better than a new notebook and pens. I am slowly becoming more digital. I go back and forth, and can’t commit to fully being pen and paper or electronic. Right now, I use a digital planner with Apple pencil. It works for right now.
- I’m trying to create and live a more minimalist lifestyle. I’m trying to get rid of things I don’t use on a daily or consistent basis. My end goal is to be able to pack up everything and live in my car or SUV.
- Summer is my favorite season followed by spring then fall. I hate winter. Mostly because I don’t like being cold. I also currently live in the Midwest so there’s snow and unpredictable weather.
- My favorite flower is tulips. I think they are so pretty. Living back in the Midwest, I got to go to Tulip Time in Pella, Iowa. I could have stayed there forever. I am definitely planning a trip to go back.
- I’m not huge into movies. I haven’t seen Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, or Twilight. I can quote Pitch Perfect and the dance at the end.
- I like to crochet. I don’t do it enough but it is very relaxing to me. I only make things that involved straight lines.
- I have an obsession with bags. I have so many, and I don’t use most of them. I should give them away but they all fit into a larger duffel bag so I keep them. You never know when you’ll need a bag. (I know it’s such flawed logic but it’s my logic.)
- I have to make my bed every day.
- I am an introvert/extrovert. I like being around people, and time by myself. I try to make everyone feel welcome in a group because I know how it feels not to be welcome or people making you feel like crap. I hate that feeling and don’t want that feeling for anyone else.