Here’s to another month and another 4 things that about me. You might know this or it might be new to you. I know I say this all the time but I really love doing this series. It really makes me think about things that I don’t share that I should or want to share. I think I am a fairly open person but doing these I realize I am not as open as I thought.
Zyia Anniversary
I have been a Zyia Active rep for 1 year. When I signed up last September, I was not expecting it would go like this way. Quick recap: I signed up right before we were moving from California to Illinois. I didn’t get my stuff until October/November. I also let a lot of stuff get in my head. I was not in the right mindset, and with this business it’s mostly mindset.
Over the summer I did a lot of thinking and researching on things I wanted to do moving forward. Zyia was something that I couldn’t shake because I really love the clothes and I am meeting a bunch of people. It aligns with what a lot of my big overall goals for my life. Expect to see more Zyia on my social media more.
New Job
I took a new job within my current job. I am so excited about it because after training I can work from home. Honestly, I am kinda bummed the way things left at my old position. I started after Labor Day and I am really enjoying everything. There are some days that I think I am getting the hang out of it and some days I think what was I thinking leaving.
With the new job I am working through things on a personal level as well. I struggle with new things ad think I need to be perfect. (I know in my head I can’t be perfect.) I am setting the intention everyday that there are no expectations. Also one of the ladies in our group meeting said something that I have been sticking to. She said, “It’s not that you don’t know how to do something. You just haven’t experienced it yet.”
My goal was to be able to work from home by the end of October, but the person I am training with said a good goal would be sitting by myself by there. I just want to be at home before the winter. I hate the cold and driving in the snow.
Next month is VEGAS. I am so excited for this trip. I have been looking for things to do for so long, so to FINALLY get to do them is amazing. We are going to be a gone for a while. This is the longest trip/vacation we have taken. We have pretty much everything planned and paid for. Now it’s just enjoying the fruits of the labor.
We have so much planned including things that are outside our comfort level. I am most excited for the hiking and being outdoors. I also rented a Jeep Wrangler because this is my dream car. I can’t wait to drive around and take pictures with it.
I am obsessed with the Royals. I have been obsessed since I was little. Diana was just the epitome of being a good person and a role model.I think everyone in the royal family even if we don’t like it. Starting with the Queen. She wasn’t expected to be Queen until her uncle denounced the throne. She ruled with amazing grace and dignity. She upheld the rules of being royal even when it was hard. I have gotten into several debates with people about royal rules. I love tradition and your royal. You have different standards and expectations. You KNOW what you are getting into.
This is why I love Prince Phillip. He knew his role to support the Queen. Even though he didn’t agree with everything he knew his place. Prince Phillip is depicted in such a love/hate way in the show but at the core of who he was. He was a great man! King Charles and Queen Consort is one that I struggle to say anything nice about because I am 100% Team Diana. While both Diana and Charles both did things they shouldn’t during their marriage, I hold Charles more responsible. I think Charles should have always been with Camille. That was his true love. He should have held his ground more, but he has seen what has happened with Princess Margaret. Full transparency I don’t have a very nice name for Camille, I do have respect and appreciation for her. The way she has honored Diana is very admirable. I learn from her being humble, genuine and authentically herself.
Prince William and Duchess Catherine will always have a special place in my heart because Prince William will always be my first crush. Plus, we got married the same weekend as them. I remember watching it while getting ready. Their story is so incredible. Catherine (or Kate as the public says) is so amazing. I love how she fit in with the royal family. She knew she was marrying the next King of England. She knew there would be certain expectations on her. Prince Harry in my opinion will always be the spare in his behavior, words and actions. Sometimes I think he really wanted to be King. Duchess Meghan is a tough one because I feel like she only wanted to marry for status. She didn’t like the rules of being royal. I think she wanted to live her life as she has always done, but be considered royalty. it doesn’t work like that. I do appreciate how she was confident and strong with her convictions. I know I could learn to be more vocal with what I want, but I still love the idea of tradition.
Next Month
Is there a certain topic that we should do next month? let me know in the comments. Did anything surprise you this month?