I saw something on TikTok about writing down everything you ever want and reading it each day. Steve Harvey is the voice and original poster about the 300 Wishlist Challenge. Right now, I am in a season of life where I am learning more about myself and who I am, who I want to be, why I do think the things I do or respond the way I do. I am unlearning and relearning how I want to be. It has been a really awesome journey, and I can’t wait to see how the other side turns out.
Steve Harvey has a clip from 2019 where he challenges you to write down 300 things that you want. The key is to be as detailed and specific as you can. He says your mind will get stuck at 75 because your mind isn’t conditioned to think so big. (I got to 67 before I stopped.) Read it every morning and every night. In a year start marking things off your list that have happened or completed. (I’m going to do at 6 months.)

Making the List
I started making my 300 Wishlist Challenge with listing all everything that came to my mind naturally. Things that I didn’t have to think about or things that I am currently working on. I haven’t completely finished my list or even made my way through some of the topics. Here are some things to think about if you are going to do the 300 Challenge.
- Financial Goals
- Career Goals
- Personal Goals
- Educational Goals
- Financial Goals
- Fitness Goals
- Spiritual Goals
- Vacations
- Opportunities/Experiences
- Materialist items
- Giving/Charity
- Business Ideas
- Family Goals
- Family Traditions
- Dreams/Bucket List
- Friends/Community Goals
- Lifestyle Goals
- Nutritional Lifestyle
- Reading Goals
- Retirement Goals
- Relationship Goals
- Vacations
- Experiences
There is NOTHING too small, too big, too silly or too serious. If it’s important to you, who cares what others think. (Trust me, it’s easier to write this than to actually do it. I’m speaking from experience.) It’s supposed to be eye-opening and make you think and dig deep. For me I had to push past all my limited beliefs that I have been telling myself. I had to let myself dream and dream big which can be scary for me and sometimes create a panic attack. Whatever you want to accomplish or do, this is the chance to write it all down.
My 300 Challenge
I started my list, but not yet to 300. It has been a lot harder than I thought to get to 300. Honestly, I thought I would get through in an hour. I got a new notebook and pens to keep my 300 wishlist challenge. If I can, I hope to go over 300. I keep the notebook on my desk so I can always see it, and reading it every morning as part of my morning routine.
This season is all about me. Putting myself first and accomplishing the things that I have been putting off. My mantra right now is I deserve good things. I deserve all the things I have been helping others try to accomplish. I am putting myself first. Learning to heal from the limited beliefs I was telling myself. It’s about unlearning and no longer believe what doesn’t serve me, but changing my mindset and what I know to be try. it’s been tough writing everything that I want because at times it feels daunting. It feels like a challenge, but I know that I don’t have to get it all done right now. It’s what I want for my life.
What I want for myself
I started out with financial goals because one of my big goals is to be debt free. Right now, I need to focus on paying off credit cards which is on my list. I got super detailed with paying off one then three then five credit cards. I am huge into crossing things off my list so I wanted to have more of that. Also building up my savings is super important to me. I also sat with my financial goals for a while because this is something I want to change permanently. So I added know I am good with money. I want to change how I view money and finances. Then I went to things that I am currently working on which are mostly fitness and nutritional-based. I have never felt confident in my own body. Like most women, I have never had the body I wanted but that’s going to change. I am doing things for me.
Then I started thinking in terms of business goals and ideas. I have so many ideas and things that I want to accomplish, but my follow-through hasn’t been the best. I feel like I started with big picture goals, and as I continue towards 300 the goals get more details. The 300 Wishlist Challenge has definitely made me think what I want and how I am going to get there. Each day I add to it with no set number, but whatever comes to mind. I’m hoping by reading this every morning and every evening I embrace it and they become part of me.
Accomplishing my Goals
When I accomplish something on that list I have a pink highlighter to highlight it. If It is something that I no longer want in my life it’s yellow. If I have accomplished it during a month I put the month and year next to it. I want to reprogram my brain with so many positive reinforcements that I keep working towards the things I want.
Your Thoughts
Have you done this? Are you currently doing this? How do you set your goals? I have seen some people use the notes section in their phone to see it everyday. Some people are like me and wrote in a notebook. I can’t wait to go back and look over time to see what I have accomplished, what I thought I wanted, and what actually came true.
I want to know. Comment below or message me on Instagram.