I love setting goals! I love organizing how I am going to reach my goal. If I don’t have goals or things that I am trying to reach I feel like something is off. For a long time, I did set goals or have goals because I thought I “should” have those things. Over the past year, I have done a lot of work on myself and finding what I really want for myself and my life. It wasn’t until I attended a Zyia conference that one of the reps was talking about how she sets her goals in terms of the 12 Week Year. Here are my thoughts on the 12 week year round 2.

Last year I was recommended a book called The 12 Week Year. I read the book and the guide that is associated with it. The book changed my whole mindset on how I view goals and how quickly I want to accomplish them. In the past, I would set goals in terms of 12 months. What I could accomplish from January to December. This book shifts your thinking about goals from 12 months to 3 months. Every 3 months is a year. Which makes every day a week, every week a month, and every month is a year.
Round 1 Recap
For the first round, I made it simple because the author did say the first one is the toughest. I only set 1 goal for everything. It was about developing a routine that sets me up for success. I have been a go-with-the-flow type of person for a really long time because I kinda had to with living in California and the world situation. (For those who don’t know, I was living in California when the world shut down. I was working as a personal trainer at Planet Fitness. When things started to open up more, it was on a color system and the gyms would be open for a day and then close for a week. It was so unpredictable.) I am not a go-with-the-flow type of person, but I am a planner, organizer, and routine type of person.
I did have ups and downs during this “year.” But I was also sitting with myself and figuring out the root of many of my problems. For so long, I was trying to fix the problem instead of figuring out the why behind things. I had masked things or just put them past me. This past year wasn’t the most goal setting but it did open my eyes and help get me back on what I feel is the right path.
Round 2
This time I am much more detailed and focused on my goals. I am stacking on from the last round and being more intentional and decisive about what I want. This space is really important to me because I love to write and share my thoughts with everyone. I have always loved to journal. It has been part of me for as long as I can remember. I am also a personal trainer and love to share what I know. The way I have explained my journey as a trainer is I want to read and learn and educate myself than share with others in a way that makes sense. I think fitness, wellness, and working out can come across as confusing or complex but it doesn’t have to be. Traveling and exploring as been a part of my life since I was a kid. I knew I wanted to travel and take pictures since I received my first camera. I haven’t dedicated the right amount of time to this space deserves but this is going to change.
This is not going to be super specific because some things I want to remain private. Personally the next year I want to focus on being more consistent with my fitness routine. I have been very inconsistent in this journey even though I am a trainer. My goal is to run a half marathon in June, and maybe at 10K in July.
I started my 75 journey in round 1 and will continue as a lifestyle habit. My plan is to do each round twice. It’s 75 soft, medium than hard. My goal is to get to 100% consistency by the start of 75 medium. The thing about the 75 challenge is that is it more of a mindset challenge than a fitness-based program. It is about time management and making the right things a priority.
I have so many things that I want to write about and I can’t wait to get it all out. My goal is to write about my life and things that are interesting to me. Most about organizing, living on less, and mindset. I want to share more about my fitness journey and being a trainer. There have been several times I stop myself because I know I don’t “look like a trainer.” I am going to push through and post because it’s something that I have poured a lot of time and energy into this.
My philosophy as a trainer is everything in moderation. You can have the alcohol but just work on reducing the amount you consume. You can still eat what you want to eat let’s focus on making small changes. I ALWAYS tell people you will have the most success when you make small changes over large ones. I have been a personal trainer for almost 6 years with a variety of different specializations through the years. My favorite certifications have been my cycle and nutrition. Nutrition hasn’t always been my strongest so I knew I wanted to get more education. I got my nutrition specialty through Precision Nutrition.
One thing that many people don’t know about me is that I have always wanted to travel. I have wanted to live in an RV and travel since I was in college. I love traveling and exploring. There is so much to see and do, and I want to experience it all. One day I will get my RV and truck and be able to travel around the US. Hiking is a new obsession of mine so I’m slowly exploring more trails. Car camping is something that I am trying to out this year. I hope I like it because then I will totally destroy my living in the RV theory.
Overall Goals
This second “year” ends July 1. I will know this next year will be successful by being at 100% accuracy during the 75 Challenge. Run my half marathon in under 2 hours. This blog space is going to be my main focus to really share things that I haven’t shared. I am finally getting things out of my head and onto paper. I have had so many ideas and things to write about but stopped over self-doubt.