The day after Daylight Savings Time is rough. Even though we gain an hour of daylight which I love makes me realize how much I love my sleep. I have just been feeling blah – not horrible but not good either. I feel very uncomfortable because it’s an uneasy feeling. It’s the unproductive, boredom, anxious, and disconnected type of funk that I am feeling. I just feel like my treading water just enough to keep my head above water. My favorite example is swimming but not really going anywhere. Here are 10 ways to get out of a funk.
I don’t like feeling this way because I don’t do unproductive or boredom very well. I feel that almost everything I do should have some sort of purpose. It is really hard for me to just sit and do nothing.
Visualize Your Happy Place
Trust me, I know. It sounds silly but it really does work. If you have created a space in your home that is peaceful go there if you can. For me, I visually being by the water in the sand. The water and sounds of the waves are so soothing to me. When I am by water or thinking about it, I am relaxed and calm. At my house in my office I have a chair and ottoman that is so comfy. Then grab my favorite blanket, drink, and a book I’m all set. I have definitely fallen asleep here plenty of times.
Try Yoga or Meditation
Here it’s all about focusing on your breathwork. I wish I could calm my mind at yoga and focus on my breath. Meditation is something new that I have been working on. I am liking it more than I thought I would. I personally use the Balance app, but there are so many different apps or videos available.
Dance Party
Hear me out! Grab your favorite playlist and just dance. Dance out all the emotions and feelings. I use to think this was crazy. Sometimes my workouts have just been dance parties. Music is such a powerful force to change emotions.
Sit In This Feeling
This one can be tricky. If it is something that is affecting your day-to-day and your eating and sleeping habits, see a doctor. If it’s a temporary thing, sit in this feeling or emotion. If an event or situation caused you to have this feeling. I use to avoid this, but now it’s something I was kind of looking forward to. I am the type of person who feels a lot of things. I also don’t talk about my feelings a lot either or have buried a lot of emotions. (I have been told a lot in my life to be the bigger person.) I have learned that sitting with my uncomfortable feelings and discovering the “why” behind the feeling. I am able to fix the situation.
In the book, 101 Essays To Change The Way You Think by Brianne Weist, she talks about when we are upset with a person because we lack that in some sense. This got me thinking, I was upset with a person because I wasn’t receiving attention. Then I realized I am not paying attention to myself. I am not giving myself the attention that I want. I’m searching for it in other people. I have to choose myself and believe in myself. If you want more recommendations, here’s a list of 10 books for clarity and purpose.
Learn a New Skill
This can be a tough one, because sometimes it can be defeating to learn a new skill when you are already upset. I would recommend learning something that you have been interested in or always wanted to do. Take small steps to learn a new skill. Youtube is amazing because there are so many people out there showing tutorials for almost anything. It has been our go-to with home remodels.
If you don’t want to learn a new skill, then restart a hobby that you haven’t done in a while. I love to crochet and don’t make enough time for it. Anytime that I spend time crocheting I don’t regret it.
Get Outside
I can’t recommend this one enough. During quarantine, I got into hiking and trails. I work from home now and took a half day to get my hair done but she canceled last minute. I was really looking forward to having my hair done. I was feeling super blah that day. I found a local trail that was just over a mile. when I got there I put my headphones in and listened to a few meditations. The park had some bridges and cool architecture so it was great to take pictures too.
It doesn’t have to be anything big either. It can be a walk to the mailbox or around the block. Something to change the scenery. Just getting out and getting some fresh air has so many benefits. There have been so many times I have taken a quick 5-minute break and walked to the fence and back.
Random Act of Kindness
One of my favorite RAOK is to compliment people. If I like someones shoes, I’ll say something. It makes me feel good and the other person. I have NEVER complimented someone and them not appreciate it. It is something that I need to do more of.
Connect with Friends and/or Family
Reach out to someone. It can be through FB messenger, IG DM’s or text message. Just reach out to someone. I know it can be hard especially if you are in a mood, but trust me your real community will be there for you. You are not bringing anyone down by saying you are not feeling it right now. I know I have group that knows me and all my little corks that I can go to and there is never any judgment. I can truly be myself. It takes some time to find them but some people want you to succeed.
This could also be the time that you find who really does have your back. I know it’s tough to trust someone and think they have your back to find out they don’t.
Focus on Yourself
This a tough one even to just write it out. It is tough for me to focus on myself. I am a type A, people-pleasing, put everyone first type of gal. I have always been that way, BUT I am working on putting myself and my needs in front of others.
There are so many different ways you can focus on yourself. Right now, self-care spa nights are nights that I focus on myself and what I really need to succeed. It’s time for me to reflect on what my body might need whether lifting more weights or cardio time. Checking in with myself spiritually to feel grounded and safe.
It can be as drastic as a complete detox. Cleaning out everything that doesn’t bring you joy or have a place in your home. Social media detox is important to surround yourself with people who bring you up or bring out the good. There is so much information available. Sometimes it’s good just to simplify things. I recently did that and deleted a bunch of fitness people.
Gratitude List
To be honest, I am struggling with this right now. Each day I try to write out AT LEAST 5 things that I am grateful for. It has been really hard to list 5 things every day without repeating anything. There are so many books and journals out there about gratitude. I am currently in the middle of weekly gratitude, but I am not a fan of it. It has made me think differently about things which is a success. Next, I’ll be getting daily gratitude.