I am not a water drinker by any means. I love me a good fountain soda. When I do drink water it has to be extremely cold with LOTS of ice. I have to do lots of little tricks to get me to drink water. At least I know myself. I know that I am not alone in this but we could all be drinking more water. I feel like drinking water shouldn’t be difficult. To get enough water you should drink half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weight 150 pounds you’ll need to drink 75 ounces of water. Here are 10 10 Ways to Drink More Water.
Tips to drink more water:
Find your favorite reusable bottle
My favorite bottle has changed through the years. Right now, I am loving my hydroflask. I love that it keeps my water cold for so long. The only thing I don’t like about it is it doesn’t fit in any cupholder.
Target has a tumbler that I have been using a lot recently. Again, it’s great because it keeps the drink cold for 24 hours. They have a lot of colors available.
I used to be obsessed with the bkr bottles, but they are glass bottles. That never works out good for me. Here’s a list of the best water bottles.
Drink from a Straw
There has been research that say you drink more from a straw. I would agree because I know I will drink more often if there is a straw. If there isn’t a straw, I wait until I’m absolutely thursty to drink
Add Flavor
I always add something to my water. I rarely drink my water plain. There are so many different things that you can do your water. Adding different fruits.
Drink before each meal
Our bodies can’t tell between thirst and hunger. If hungry, try drinking at least 8oz of water. Still want food eat. Also while waiting for food drink water. You won’t eat as much.
Invest in a filter
We tried this one for a while. It didn’t work.So now we are back to buying bottled water. It works for us. There are tons of water filters out there, but it’s about finding one that works best for you.
Never have an empty bottle
A tip I tell all my clients is to NEVER have an empty bottle. When it’s half full, fill it back up. By making sure it’s never empty you’ll never reach for something else.
Add Ice
This one can be controversial. It’s actually better for your body to have warm water because it takes more work for your body, but I have to have ICE COLD water.
Stay Hydrated
I am preaching to myself as much as I to you. I am slowly getting better about drinking more water and less pop. One tip that has worked for me is alternate between the two. Sometimes I drink pop and 2 bottles of water. Just depends on the day. I still use pop as a clutch when I am having a bad day.
Drink half your body in ounces every day. If you weigh 200 pounds, try to drink 100 ounces of water.
Set Reminders
I have so many alarms on my watch. Reminders to take my medicine, to drink more water, snack time. It’s helps me to be more present because I could easily forget to eat and drink. Then I wait until I’m starving then make bad choices. I have a client who sets alarms several times throughout the day. When the alarm goes off they’ll finish their drink, and refill it. Some alarms are at time they normally would eat a snack, but have replaced it with drinking water.
Use an App
There are apps for everything. This will help you keep track of your water intake. If you are a pen and paper type of person, I recommend the water insert from Passion Planner.
What tips are you going to implement?