I am currently in a season of change. There are things that I want to change about myself and things I want back in my life. I feel like there is more to life than what I am currently doing. I also have a lot of dreams and goals that I want to accomplish. AND honestly, the only reason I haven’t accomplished them is I haven’t done the work. But that is going to change now. Here are a list of books to find purpose and clarity.
The balance in my life just feels off. It feels like I am going through the motions. I don’t think this is how life should be. We are here to accomplish more than work and pay bills. We should have joy and purpose in our lives.
Full disclosure: I go back and forth on following my dreams/goals. While part of me thinks I am old and need to embrace that my life is work, home, pay bills, and sleep. Then repeat this everyday until I die. But a bigger part of me feels age and season of life is just a number and season. It’s temporary and not forever. Even writing this makes me sick to my stomach. I want more to my life. I want to live my life instead of my life runs me. (That makes sense, right? I’m not crazy!)
I have always been a huge reader and decided to dig into some books to make me think and find my purpose again. These are just the links to the books. I don’t get any commission from the purchase.
- Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo || I listened to this book when I was traveling and driving a lot. I didn’t think I was going to like because honestly I am not a huge Marie Forleo fan, BUT this book is amazing. I will listen to it again soon. It was actually a really quick book to listen to and the action steps are simple. It’s all about having the mindset that everything is figureoutable. Another mantra not taught in this book that I have implemented is I can’t fail.
- Thrive by Arianna Huffington || When I saw this book I knew immediately I wanted to read it. I have followed her career for a while, and knew anything that she would say was gold. The book didn’t disappoint because we all brag about how busy we are like it’s a badge of honor. IT’S NOT!! We need to learn to prioritize ourself instead of the world. Honestly, it has been a while since I have read this book, but it is always a book I recommend.
- Essentialism by Greg McKeown || This book was recommended to me from another baseball wife. I will admit I was a little skeptic to read this because she was in the process of selling EVERYTHING and living in a RV. While that is my dream life, it’s not quite my husbands yet. This book talks about minimalism in a different way than I expected. I feel like I have wanted to minimalist on a surface level but it’s something you have to believe in your whole body. It truly is about creating a minimalistic lifestyle starting from within which I really appreciate because I feel like sometimes I need to get to the root of why I want this lifestyle.
- The Atomic Habit by James Clear || I received this book in a giveaway and read it in a day! It was so good and I didn’t want to put it down. There are so many great tips in this book about life. I need to read this book again because the tips are so good. I was also diagnosed with ADHD as an adult so I felt this book was really directed towards me. Honestly, I don’t think any of the habits were ground breaking or anything I haven’t heard before.
- A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle: I was little hestiant to grab this book because the description was a little off putting for me. This book is so good because I was able to let things go. I am an overthinker and can’t let things go. By reading this I am finally able to let stress and anxity go and change things more easily.
- Daring Greatly by Brene Brown: I absolutely LOVE Brene. There hasn’t been a book I don’t love, and wouldn’t receommend to anyone.
- 101 Essay That Will Change the Way you Think by Brianna Wiest. This is hands down my favorite book right now. It has made me think more about myself and why I do things than any other book. This book will be a book that I will read again. It is NOT a book that you can read in a day. One of the biggest mind blowing things in the book was how I projected things on other people. For example, when I reach out to someone I am doing because I want them to say something about me or whatever. But I should be telling myself that. I don’t need to have other people to lift me up. I also learned that I have anxious attachment which wasn’t a shocker, but interesting to know it has a name.
- The 12 Week Year. I got this as a recommendation from a Zyia retreat. I read it and did the workout. This completely changed my mind on how I think about setting and reaching my goals. Instead of thinking about hitting your goals in calendar year switch to reaching them in 3 months. It’s about hitting quarterly goals but about the time frame to hit your goals. If you give yourself 12 months to hit a goal you might wait until the last minute. This changes your mindset.
- The 5 second rule by Mel Robbins. Honestly I would recommend any of her books to anyone. there isn’t one of her books that I didn’t take something away and start implementing in my life. I am currently working on having a better mindset and getting over something very personal. When I think about that topic, I can spiral myself into a dark place but the 5 second rule has helped me to shift. When I start thinking about that, I stop myself and countdown from 5 to 1 then do something else.
- When You’re Ready, This is How You Heal by Brianna Wiest. I purchased every single book after I read #7. Her stuff is so good. I am in a healing process right now. I need to heal and work on myself in so many different ways. I haven’t read this book as diligently as I should or want but still recommend.
These books have all helped in me back on the right track towards finding and living out my purpose. Have you read these? What books do you recommend?